Planetary Geology
Discover the secrets of our solar system
From meteorites to pre-solar grains, the study of extra-terrestrial material requires advanced capabilities using multi-scale, multi-modal correlative analysis.
Quantitative mineral identification and crystal orientation using deep-learning enhanced X-ray microscopy generate complete 3D characterization of precious samples.
Electron microscopy techniques focus on maximizing quantitative analysis from
microstructural variations to nanoscale trace element analysis.

Analyzing the Winchcombe Meteorite
On February 28th, 2021, a bright fireball blazed across the skies above the UK. It was moving from west to east and was caught by 16 special cameras that are used to observe meteorites, as well as thousands of domestic CCTV-style cameras, and reported by numerous eyewitnesses. The event was so spectacular that it was national news by the next morning. Winchcombe is the first meteorite to fall in the UK for 30 years.

Quantitative analysis for extraterrestrial samples
ZEISS Mineralogic is a suite of quantitative analytical software for scanning electron microscope (SEM) electron and X-ray microscopy (uCT). Quantitative analysis allows for detailed textural characterisation of the sample coupled with automated mineral identification using geochemistry in 2D or absorption contrast tomography in 3D leaving your most precious samples intact. ZEISS Mineralogic provides a versatile range of solutions for automated mineralogy regardless of sample type, from thin section to extraterrestrial sample return mission.

Screening of Zr-containing particles from Chang’e-5 lunar soil samples
New samples returned by China Chang’e-5 (CE-5) mission offer an opportunity for studying the lunar geologic longevity, space weathering, and regolith evolution. The age determination of the CE-5 samples was among the first scientific questions to be answered. However, the precious samples, most in the micrometer size range, challenge many traditional analyses on large single crystals of zircon developed for massive bulk samples. Here, we developed a non-destructive rapid screening of individual zirconium-containing particle for isotope geochronology based on a Micro X-ray fluorescence analysis (µXRF).

Allende Meteorite
The Allende carbonaceous chondrite is the largest meteorite of its kind ever found on Earth, with over 2 tonnes of material recovered after falling in northern Mexico in 1969. The stony meteorite is primarily composed of irregularly shaped, mm-to-cm scale CAI’s (calcium aluminium inclusions) and more spherical, mm-scale chondrules embedded in a more fine-grained matrix.
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