ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7

ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7

Adaptable Automation for Advanced Workflows

If your research requires explorative high-content imaging, you are often faced with a trade-off between the desired image quality and the need to capture large amounts of data efficiently. ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 is your research companion for collecting statistically relevant data, giving you easy access to high-quality imaging, adaptability to demanding experiments, and stable long-term operation.

  • Easy access to high-quality imaging
  • Adaptable to demanding experiments
  • Reliable in multi-user environments

Explore What‘s New

  • Higher Throughput

    Enjoy up to 9 times faster widefield and up to 1.8 times faster confocal image acquisition.

  • Broader Spectral Range

    Seven excitation lines including 735 nm far red give you maximum flexibility in the choice of dyes.

  • New Cameras

    Get higher sensitivity, signal to noise, and speed with ZEISS Axiocam 807 mono and 820 mono.

  • Advanced Workflows

    Full support of auto-immersion objectives significantly improves Guided Acquisition workflows.

  • Cyclic Imaging

    Include different sample carriers in an experiment to acquire advanced time series.

  • Scanning Area

    A new sample holder maximizes the travel range for full coverage of chamber slides.

  • Shading Calibration Manager

    Let individual users apply their custom shading corrections to different samples.

  • Data Evaluation

    A new viewer introduces more options for observing and comparing data in multi-well experiments.

  • System Uptime

    Excessive endurance testing and preventive service options ensure reliable long-term operation.

Image of a person pressing the "Start Experiment" button on ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 screen after the example has been loaded.

Easy Access to High-Quality Imaging

You don't have to become a microscopy expert to acquire high-quality data. Simply insert your sample carrier and let ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 make all the necessary settings. Automatic calibration routines ensure optimal conditions and reproducible results. The system finds and keeps the focus after detecting the sample carrier and its optical properties. Spherical aberrations are corrected automatically to always deliver best contrast and resolution. For demanding long-term imaging, Celldiscoverer 7 gives you automated water immersion and integrated incubation to keep your cells happy with just the right environmental conditions. Without manual adjustments, even if you operate the microscope remotely, you get unbiased data that meet your highest expectations.

Rat cortical primary culture. Sample courtesy of H. Braun, LSM Bioanalytik GmbH, Magdeburg, Germany

Adaptable to Demanding Experiments

Optimized for explorative high-content applications, Celldiscoverer 7 gives you experimental freedom with a range of imaging modes that can be freely combined to tailor data acquisition to individual requirements. Go for fast widefield imaging to perform live cell experiments and rapid time-lapse recordings. Enable label-free imaging in multi-well plates without artifacts. Enjoy a wide spectral range for multi-fluorescence experiments and add unique transmitted light contrast methods. For stunning 3D data, add confocal imaging with LSM 900 and Airyscan. Combine all these possibilities in customized workflows and let the built-in intelligence of Celldiscoverer 7 work for the benefit of your research.

Image caption: Rat cortical primary culture. Sample courtesy of H. Braun, LSM Bioanalytik GmbH, Magdeburg, Germany

Image of the ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 sample holder

Reliable in Multi-User Environments

In facilities with multiple users, the robustness of an imaging system is key for its acceptance and efficient use. Once a workflow has been set up with Celldiscoverer 7, it can be executed reproducibly again and again, even if the system has been used for other experiments in the meantime – no manual recalibration is needed. The robust design of the system enables stable long-term operation and prevents unwanted user intervention – damaged objective lenses are a thing of the past. Predictive service offers lasting and optimal instrument performance for increased system uptime and reliable results from automated imaging. Predictive analytics allow to determine the optimal time point for the next service visit, e.g., when a component is about to reach the wear limit.

ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 Product Family

ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 (Widefield)
Celldiscoverer 7 (Widefield)
ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 with LSM 900 (Confocal)
Celldiscoverer 7 with LSM 900 (Confocal)

Imaging Modes

Widefield imaging

Confocal imaging with LSM 900


LSM Plus



Airyscan 2



Airyscan 2 Multiplex



Airyscan jDCV


Automated Workflows and Advanced Methods

Guided Acquisition


ZEN Intellesis – AI based image segmentation

ZEN Connect – connect all multi-modal data

(Automated) Photomanipulation


Optical sectioning


Simultaneous widefield and confocal imaging


External Cameras

ZEISS Axiocam 807 mono


ZEISS Axiocam 820 mono



ZEISS Axiocam 712 mono R2



Photometrics Prime 95B



Hamamatsu Orca Flash 4.0 V3


High-Quality Data Acquisition Made Easy

Explore ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7

Spherical aberration due to unadjusted optics. Tubulin in FluoCells prepared slide #1.
Same structure using an Autocorr objective. Tubulin in FluoCells prepared slide #1.
Left: spherical aberration due to unadjusted optics. Right: same structure using an Autocorr objective. Tubulin in FluoCells prepared slide #1.

Automatic Adaptation to Your Samples and Sample Carriers

Live cell imaging requires objectives with high numerical apertures. Those objectives will only deliver high contrast and sensitivity if their optics can adapt to variations in bottom thickness or to the material of different sample carriers. You are free to use Petri dishes, chamber slides, multi-well plates, plastic or glass, thin or thick vessel bottoms, low-skirt or high-skirt plates. Automatic sample recognition detects all relevant vessel features while loading your sample. Autocorr adjusts the correction ring of the objective to compensate for spherical aberrations.

ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 water immersion

ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 water immersion 

Autoimmersion: There Is No Life Without Water

In cell biology or screening applications, your samples mostly consist of water and / or will be mounted in aqueous solutions. Celldiscoverer 7 combines an outstanding 50x water immersion objective with rapid automated immersion supply and removal. An elastic silicon membrane simultaneously seals the sample chamber to avoid unnecessary airflow while protecting the system from potential liquid spillage. You can perform unbiased live cell experiments at 37 °C over several days or carry out extensive scanning processes on multi-well plates.

ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 - Find Focus function

Find Focus – Keep Focus

Use the hardware-based Find Focus function to automatically focus your sample and find your region of interest quickly with just a single click. Select Definite Focus to maintain the focal position throughout your live cell experiment, whether it takes a few seconds or several days. Or combine both methods: Celldiscoverer 7 can automatically create focus maps for multiple positions in long-term time-lapse experiments.

The Adaptive Lens Guard protects the objective from collisions with your sample vessel or hardware components, automatically maximizing the available scanning area. Sample carrier holders are designed so that the entire sample can be imaged even at maximum magnification, e.g., in chamber slides.

LED module with up to 7 individually controlled excitation lines for maximum flexibility in the choice of dyes
LED module with up to 7 individually controlled excitation lines for maximum flexibility in the choice of dyes

LED module with up to 7 individually controlled excitation lines for maximum flexibility in the choice of dyes

LED module with up to 7 individually controlled excitation lines for maximum flexibility in the choice of dyes

LED Technology for Live Cell Imaging

Celldiscoverer 7 brings you all the advantages of LED technology for efficient widefield illumination with low phototoxicity, fast switching times and homogeneous illumination. Real-time and long-term stabilization with performance optimization ensure comparability of images. The LED module includes up to 7 individually controlled excitation lines for maximum flexibility in the choice of dyes, from deep blue to far red. You always get enough excitation power to shorten exposure times and to speed up your image acquisition.

LSM 900 beampath

LSM 900 with Airyscan 2

Automated Confocal 3D Imaging

Life happens in 3D. Add LSM 900 with Airyscan 2 and get the best of both worlds: ease of use and automation from a fully integrated microscope platform and the superb confocal image quality and flexibility of LSM 9 family. Super-resolution 3D imaging with up to 1.9x resolution improvement becomes possible. Easily separate multiple labels with spectral imaging. Analyze dynamic processes in living samples with photomanipulation for FRAP, FRET or related techniques. Precisely connect widefield and confocal images. Fast mixed-mode acquisition simplifies and speeds up your workflow and gives you unique insights into your sample.

ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 at Work

  • 384 microwell plate imaged with different magnifications in 3 channels.
  • SH-SY5Y cells cultured on a 384 micro-well plate; multichannel image at a single position
  • HeLa Kyoto cell growth assay imaged every 15 minutes for 72 hours using Autoimmersion.
  • Lateral line primordium migration and deposition of immature neuromasts in a Zebrafish embryo. Overview image: Phase Gradient Contrast with fluorescence acquisition. High-resolution images: Airyscan 2 Multiplex.
  • Rat cortical primary neuron culture. Deconvolved images using GPU-based deconvolution.
  • Growth of cultured cells imaged over 72 hours using phase gradient contrast. To quantify proliferation, cell region was detected using machine learning. The growth curve shows relative cell coverage over time
  • Living cricket embryos mounted in low-melt agarose, expressing nuclear-localized GFP, multi-position experiment.

    Growth of cultured cells imaged over 72 hours using phase gradient contrast. To quantify proliferation, cell region was detected using machine learning. The growth curve shows relative cell coverage over time. Sample and assay courtesy of P. Denner, Core Research Facilities, German Center of Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn, Germany.

  • Starlet sea anemone (Nematostella vectensis) imaged with Airyscan 2 high sensitivity mode.

    Starlet sea anemone (Nematostella vectensis) imaged with Airyscan 2 high sensitivity mode. Sample courtesy of A. Stokkermans, Ikmi Group, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.

  • 384 microwell plate imaged with different magnifications in 3 channels.

    384 microwell plate imaged with different magnifications in 3 channels. Sample courtesy of P. Denner, Core Research Facilities, German Center of Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn, Germany.

  • SH-SY5Y cells cultured on a 384 micro-well plate; multichannel image at a single position. Hoechst – Chromatin (blue), anti-alpha-tubulin antibody FITC for alphas tubulin (green), Phalloidine for actin (red), MitoTracker Deep Red for mitochondria (purple). Sample courtesy of P. Denner, Core Research Facilities, German Center of Neuro-degenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn, Germany.

    SH-SY5Y cells cultured on a 384 micro-well plate; multichannel image at a single position. Hoechst – Chromatin (blue), anti-alpha-tubulin antibody FITC for alphas tubulin (green), Phalloidine for actin (red), MitoTracker Deep Red for mitochondria (purple). Sample courtesy of P. Denner, Core Research Facilities, German Center of Neuro-degenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn, Germany.

  • HeLa Kyoto cell growth assay imaged every 15 minutes for 72 hours using Autoimmersion.

    HeLa Kyoto cell growth assay imaged every 15 minutes for 72 hours using Autoimmersion. Sample courtesy of I. Charapitsa, Chemical Biology Core Facility, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.

  • Lateral line primordium migration and deposition of immature neuromasts in a Zebrafish embryo. Overview image: Phase Gradient Contrast with fluorescence acquisition. High-resolution images: Airyscan 2 Multiplex.

    Lateral line primordium migration and deposition of immature neuromasts in a Zebrafish embryo. Overview image: Phase Gradient Contrast with fluorescence acquisition. High-resolution images: Airyscan 2 Multiplex. Sample courtesy of J. Hartmann and D. Gilmour, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.

  • Rat cortical primary neuron culture. Deconvolved images using GPU-based deconvolution.

    Rat cortical primary neuron culture. Deconvolved images using GPU-based deconvolution. Sample courtesy of H. Braun, LSM Bioanalytik GmbH, Magdeburg, Germany.

  • Growth of cultured cells imaged over 72 hours using phase gradient contrast. To quantify proliferation, cell region was detected using machine learning. The growth curve shows relative cell coverage over time

    Growth of cultured cells imaged over 72 hours using phase gradient contrast. To quantify proliferation, cell region was detected using machine learning. The growth curve shows relative cell coverage over time. Sample and assay courtesy of P. Denner, Core Research Facilities, German Center of Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn, Germany.

  • Living cricket embryos mounted in low-melt agarose, expressing nuclear-localized GFP, multi-position experiment.

    Living cricket embryos mounted in low-melt agarose, expressing nuclear-localized GFP, multi-position experiment. Sample courtesy of S. Donoughe, Biological Labs, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA.

  • Starlet sea anemone (Nematostella vectensis) imaged with Airyscan 2 high sensitivity mode.

    Starlet sea anemone (Nematostella vectensis) imaged with Airyscan 2 high sensitivity mode. Sample courtesy of A. Stokkermans, Ikmi Group, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.

  • GFP HEK (Human Embryonic Kidney) cells. Imaged through a 1 mm plastic bottom; images taken every 5 minutes for a total of 5 days.

    Five-day time series of GFP HEK cells imaged through 1 mm plastic bottom

  • Confocal imaging of porcine kidney cell division using LSM Plus

    Confocal imaging of porcine kidney cell division using LSM Plus

  • Starlet sea anemone imaged with Airyscan Multiplex

  • Drosophila embryos – Guided Acquisition. Automatic identification and imaging of a subset from a group of fixed embryos

    Drosophila embryos imaged using Guided Acquisition

  • Imaged through a 1 mm plastic bottom; images taken every 5 minutes for a total of 5 days. Sample courtesy of Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH; R&D IDD / in vitro Biology, Frankfurt, Germany
    GFP HEK (Human Embryonic Kidney) cells
  • 100 z stacks over 29 minutes, imaged with improved SNR and resolution using LSM Plus
    Porcine kidney cell division
  • Maximum intensity projection of 69 z planes imaged with Airyscan 2 Multiplex. Sample courtesy of A. Stokkermans, Ikmi Group, EMBL, ­Heidelberg, Germany
    Top view of a young starlet sea anemone
  • Automatic identification and imaging of a subset from a group of fixed embryos. Sample courtesy of Dr. G. Wolfstetter, University of Gothenburg, Germany
    Drosophila embryos – Guided Acquisition


    • ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7

      Your Automated Platform for Live Cell Imaging

      12 MB

    • Automation in Microscopy.

      WILEY Special edition of Imaging & Microscopy – Collection of 4 white papers (Wolff, Pepperkok, Donoughe, Gelman)

      1 MB
    • Automating Cellular Imaging with ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7

      Technology Note

      2 MB
    • Plastic Labware for Optimal Results in Modern Life Science Microscopy

      Using ZEISS Axio Observer and ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7

      4 MB
    • ZEISS LSM 9 Family with Airyscan 2

      Multiplex Mode for Fast and Gentle ConfocalSuperresolution in Large Volumes

      3 MB
    • ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7

      Analysis of three-dimensional cell culture using fast and sensitive widefield microscopy

      1 MB
    • ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7

      High quality LSM imaging with autocorrection objectives using plastic labware.

      2 MB

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