ZEISS LSM 980 with Airyscan 2

ZEISS LSM 980 with Airyscan 2

Your Unique Confocal Experience for Fast and Gentle Multiplex Imaging

To analyze life with as little disturbance as possible, you must use low labeling density for your biological models. This requires excellent imaging performance combined with low phototoxicity and high speed. LSM 980, your platform for confocal 4D imaging, is optimized for simultaneous spectral detection of multiple weak labels with the highest light efficiency.

  • A wealth of fluorescent labels from 380 nm to 900 nm
  • Spectral flexibility with up to 36 simultaneous channels
  • More information in less time with Airyscan 2 Multiplex
  • Extended research with NLO, NIR, Cryo, and SIM² imaging

It's Time for Lightfield!

Join us for a launch stream on March 5

We are excited to unveil our latest innovation in high-speed 3D imaging of living organisms. Join us for a special streaming event.

Cos-7 cells imaged with LSM Plus, including the ZEISS NIR detector in channel mode.
Cos-7 cells imaged with LSM Plus, including the ZEISS NIR detector in channel mode. Sample courtesy of U. Ziegler and J. Doehner, University of Zurich, ZMB, Switzerland.
Sample courtesy of U. Ziegler and J. Doehner, University of Zurich, ZMB, Switzerland.

Cos-7 cells imaged with LSM Plus, including the ZEISS NIR detector in channel mode.

A Unique Confocal Experience

A light-efficient beam path with up to 36 simultaneous channels and full spectral flexibility up to the near infrared (NIR) range give you the perfect basis for multi-color experiments with living samples. On top of this, LSM Plus effortlessly improves all your experiments. The unique combination of spectral imaging with improved signal-to-noise ratio and resolution enables lower laser power for your live cell experiments.

Caption: Cos-7 cells imaged with LSM Plus, including the ZEISS NIR detector in channel mode.  
Sample courtesy of U. Ziegler and J. Doehner, University of Zurich, ZMB, Switzerland.

Drosophila germarium. Imaged with ZEISS Airyscan 2 followed by Joint Deconvolution.
Drosophila germarium. Imaged with ZEISS Airyscan 2 followed by Joint Deconvolution. Courtesy of T. Jacobs, AG Luschnig, WWU Münster; with T. Zobel, Münster Imaging Network, Germany
Courtesy of T. Jacobs, AG Luschnig, WWU Münster; with T. Zobel, Münster Imaging Network, Germany

Drosophila germarium. Imaged with ZEISS Airyscan 2 followed by Joint Deconvolution.

Image with More Sensitivity

Airyscan 2 allows you to do more than any conventional LSM detector. Each of its 32 detector elements collects additional information, while all of them together gather even more light, yielding super-resolution quantitative results. By adding structural information with Joint Deconvolution (jDCV), you can push resolution even further. Or use the Multiplex modes to get super-resolution information up to 10 times faster.

Caption: Drosophila germarium. Imaged with ZEISS Airyscan 2 followed by Joint Deconvolution.
Courtesy of T. Jacobs, AG Luschnig, WWU Münster; with T. Zobel, Münster Imaging Network, Germany

ZEN BioApps: From beautiful images to valuable data – analyze your images efficiently.
ZEN BioApps: From beautiful images to valuable data – analyze your images efficiently.

ZEN BioApps: From beautiful images to valuable data – analyze your images efficiently.

Increase Your Productivity

ZEN microscopy software puts a wealth of helpers at your command to achieve reproducible results in the shortest possible time. AI Sample Finder helps you quickly find regions of interest, leaving more time for experiments. Smart Setup supports you in applying best imaging settings for your fluorescent labels. Direct Processing enables parallel acquisition and data processing. ZEN Connect keeps you on top of everything, both during imaging and later when sharing the whole story of your experiment.

A Light-efficient Beam Path

  • Highest Sensitivity and Spectral Flexibility for Your Experiments

    LSM 980 brings a great deal of freedom to your experimental setup. The LSM 980 beam path design ensures imaging with highest sensitivity, which is key to visualizing the lowest signal and resolving all structures, as well as spectral flexibility, allowing you to freely select fluorescent labels from 380 nm to the near infrared (NIR) range.

Drosophila egg chambers stained for F-actin (Phalloidin, magenta) and DE-Cadherin (cyan). Courtesy of T. Jacobs, AG Luschnig, WWU Münster; with T. Zobel, Münster Imaging Network, Germany
Drosophila egg chambers stained for F-actin (Phalloidin, magenta) and DE-Cadherin (cyan). Courtesy of T. Jacobs, AG Luschnig, WWU Münster; with T. Zobel, Münster Imaging Network, Germany

LSM Plus

Improving the Whole Confocal Experience

LSM Plus improves literally any confocal experiment with ease, independent of detection mode or emission range. Its linear Wiener filter deconvolution needs next to no interaction while still ensuring a reliable quantitative result. Just as in our time-tested Airyscan super-resolution processing, the underlying optical property information is adapted automatically based on objective lens, refractive index, and emission range.

Apply LSM Plus with no extra effort and benefit from:

  • Enhanced signal to noise  at high acquisition speed and low laser power – particularly useful for live cell imaging with low expression levels
  • Improved resolution  of spectral data with up to 36 channels in a single scan
  • More spatial information  and even greater resolution enhancement for bright samples that allow to close the pinhole of the LSM
  • Integrated workflows  to combine the advantages of LSM Plus with Airyscan super-resolution imaging

Caption: Drosophila egg chambers stained for F-actin (Phalloidin, magenta) and DE-Cadherin (cyan). Courtesy of T. Jacobs, AG Luschnig, WWU Münster; with T. Zobel, Münster Imaging Network, Germany

Airyscan 2 schematic beam path. (1) Mirror, (2) Emission filters, (3) Zoom optics, (4) Airy disk, (5) Airyscan detector

Airyscan 2 Schematic Beam Path

Airyscan 2 schematic beam path. (1) Mirror, (2) Emission filters, (3) Zoom optics, (4) Airy disk, (5) Airyscan detector

(1) Mirror, (2) Emission filters, (3) Zoom optics, (4) Airy disk, (5) Airyscan detector

Airyscan 2

A Unique Combination of Super-resolution Imaging and High Sensitivity

Airyscan 2 is an area detector with 32 circularly arranged detection elements. Each of these acts as a small pinhole, contributing to super-resolution information, while the complete detector area collects more light than the standard confocal setting. This produces much greater light efficiency while capturing enhanced structural information.

Budding yeast cells with protein localized to the mitochondrial inner membrane (green) and mitochondrial matrix (magenta). Courtesy of K. Subramanian / J. Nunnari, University of California, Davis, USA
Budding yeast cells with protein localized to the mitochondrial inner membrane (green) and mitochondrial matrix (magenta). Courtesy of K. Subramanian / J. Nunnari, University of California, Davis, USA
Budding yeast cells with protein localized to the mitochondrial inner membrane (green) and mitochondrial matrix (magenta). Courtesy of K. Subramanian / J. Nunnari, University of California, Davis, USA

32 Views Mean More Information

Powerful Deconvolution with Airyscan jDCV

Each of the 32 Airyscan detector elements has a slightly different view on the sample, providing additional spatial information that makes Joint Deconvolution possible. This reduces the distance that can be resolved between two points even further – down to 90 nm. Your super-resolution experiments will benefit from an improved separation of single or multiple labels.

"When we imaged endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria and saw their very fine details after applying Airyscan Joint Deconvolution, we thought this is just super cool. The new option could be integrated within our imaging protocols very easily. We were amazed at how quickly the images were processed, which helped us make decisions while we were still imaging."

–  Dr. Kelly Subramanian,  Post-Doctoral Scholar, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, UC Davis

Mitochondria in an Arabidopsis thaliana cell. Comparing the confocal image with Airyscan SR and Airyscan Joint Deconvolution.
 Courtesy of J.-O. Niemeier, AG Schwarzländer, WWU Münster, Germany
Courtesy of J.-O. Niemeier, AG Schwarzländer, WWU Münster, Germany

Mitochondria in an Arabidopsis thaliana cell. Comparing the confocal image with Airyscan SR and Airyscan Joint Deconvolution.

Mitochondria in an Arabidopsis thaliana cell. Comparing the confocal image with Airyscan SR and Airyscan Joint Deconvolution.  Courtesy of J.-O. Niemeier, AG Schwarzländer, WWU Münster, Germany.

The Multiplex Modes for Airyscan 2

Large Fields of View and Whole Sample Volumes in the Shortest Time

In Multiplex modes, Airyscan detector advantages are combined with adapted illumination and readout schemes, giving you a choice of different parallelization options. Multiplex modes use knowledge of the shape of the excitation laser spot and the location of single area detector elements to extract more spatial information, even during parallel pixel readout. This allows larger steps when sweeping the excitation laser over the field of view, improving acquisition speed. Capturing more spatial information in the pinhole plane allows final image reconstruction with better resolution than the acquisition sampling.

Efficient super-resolution imaging of a large field of view
Efficient super-resolution imaging of a large field of view
Courtesy of A. Politi, J. Jakobi and P. Lenart, MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany.

Efficient super-resolution imaging of a large field of view: HeLa cells stained for DNA (blue, Hoechst 44432), microtubules (yellow, anti-tubulin Alexa 488) and F-actin (magenta, phalloidin Abberior STAR Red).

Efficient super-resolution imaging of a large field of view: HeLa cells stained for DNA (blue, Hoechst 44432), microtubules (yellow, anti-tubulin Alexa 488) and F-actin (magenta, phalloidin Abberior STAR Red). Courtesy of A. Politi, J. Jakobi and P. Lenart, MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany.

Multiplex Modes of ZEISS LSM 980

LSM 980

Airyscan SR

Multiplex SR-4Y

Multiplex SR-8Y

Multiplex CO-8Y










Confocal or better

Max. fps at max. field of view

0.2 (Zoom 1.7)

1.0 (Zoom 1)

2.0 (Zoom 1)

9.6 (Zoom 1)

Antibody labelling, fine structures





Antibody labelling, tiling





Live cell imaging





Dynamics Profiler​

Dynamics Profiler​

Easy Access to Underlying Molecular Dynamics​

ZEISS Dynamics Profiler gives you easy access to molecular concentration and dynamics in living samples. Information collected with the ZEISS Airyscan detector lets you characterize heterogenous diffusion behavior, ideal to investigate cellular condensates. Flow measurements determine the speed and direction of active movement in liquids and provide unique new data related to microfluidics and organs-on-a-chip. Explore even your most delicate samples without excessive light exposure or prolonged experiment time and expand your data collection to enhance your research.​

Typical spectral quantum efficiency (QE) of ZEISS LSM 980 detectors, including NIR.
Typical spectral quantum efficiency (QE) of ZEISS LSM 980 detectors, including NIR.

Typical spectral quantum efficiency (QE) of ZEISS LSM 980 detectors, including NIR.

Near Infrared (NIR) Imaging

Expand Your Spectral Range

Expanding your spectral range into the NIR allows you to use more labels in parallel. Visualize additional structures with more dyes in your multi-color experiments, with the Quasar and NIR detectors efficiently supporting spectral multiplexing experiments. NIR fluorescent labels are less phototoxic for living samples due to the longer wavelength. This allows you to investigate living samples for longer periods of time while limiting the influence of light. Additionally, light of longer wavelength ranges is less scattered by the sample tissue, increasing penetration depth.

For any of the advantages you pursue with NIR labels, the dual-channel NIR detector combines two different detector technologies (extended red GaAsP and GaAs) for optimal sensitivity up to 900 nm.

Near Infrared (NIR) Imaging
Cos-7 cells, DAPI (magenta), Anti-tubulin Alexa 568 (blue), Actin Phalloidin-OG488 (yellow) and Tom20-Alexa 750 (red).
Cos-7 cells, DAPI (magenta), Anti-tubulin Alexa 568 (blue), Actin Phalloidin-OG488 (yellow) and Tom20-Alexa 750 (red). Sample courtesy of Urs Ziegler and Jana Doehner, University of Zurich, ZMB, Switzerland.
Sample courtesy of Urs Ziegler and Jana Doehner, University of Zurich, ZMB, Switzerland.

Cos-7 cells, DAPI (magenta), Anti-tubulin Alexa 568 (blue), Actin Phalloidin-OG488 (yellow) and Tom20-Alexa 750 (red).

Imaged in Lambda mode across the visible and NIR spectrum. Individual signals separated by Linear Unmixing. Maximum intensity projection of a z-stack.

Cos-7 Cells

Cos-7 cells, DAPI (magenta), Anti-tubulin Alexa 568 (blue), Actin Phalloidin-OG488 (yellow) and Tom20-Alexa 750 (red). Imaged in Lambda mode across the visible and NIR spectrum. Individual signals separated by Linear Unmixing. Maximum intensity projection of a z-stack.

Sample courtesy of Urs Ziegler and Jana Doehner, University of Zurich, ZMB, Switzerland.

Comparison of the ZEISS LSM 980 MA-PMT and the ZEISS NIR GaAsP detector; excitation with 639 nm laser at same laser power. Emission range for the MA-PMT is set to 660 – 757 nm, and for the NIR detector is 660 – 900 nm.
Comparison of the ZEISS LSM 980 MA-PMT and the ZEISS NIR GaAsP detector; excitation with 639 nm laser at same laser power. Emission range for the MA-PMT is set to 660 – 757 nm, and for the NIR detector is 660 – 900 nm.

Microtubules of Cos-7 Cell (Anti-Tubulin AF700)

Comparison of the ZEISS LSM 980 MA-PMT detector (left) and the ZEISS NIR GaAsP detector (right); excitation with 639 nm laser at same laser power. Emission range for the MA-PMT is set to 660 – 757 nm, and for the NIR detector is 660 – 900 nm.

Sample courtesy of Urs Ziegler and Jana Doehner, University of Zurich, ZMB, Switzerland.

Before LSM Plus processing
After LSM Plus processing

Simultaneous Spectral Imaging

Fast and Sensitive Separation of all Fluorescent Labels

To separate even highly overlapping signals or to remove autofluorescence, you can take a Lambda Scan using the complete detection range with up to 36 detectors, keeping both illumination and time required to a minimum. Improve spectral imaging along the complete wavelength range, including Online Fingerprinting, with LSM Plus.

The example shows a murine cremaster muscle, multi-color labeled with Hoechst (blue), Prox-1 Alexa488 (green), neutrophil cells Ly-GFP, PECAM1 Dylight549 (yellow), SMA Alexa568 (orange), VEGEF-R3 Alexa594 (red), platelets Dylight 649 (magenta). Acquired with 32-channel GaAsP detector using Online Fingerprinting.

Caption: Comparison of the improved SNR before and after LSM Plus processing. Courtesy of Dr. S. Volkery, MPI for Molecular Biomedicine, Münster, Germany

Energy diagram of two-photon microscopy

Energy diagram of two-photon microscopy

Energy diagram of two-photon microscopy

Multiphoton Microscopy with LSM 980 NLO

Non-invasive, Deep Tissue Imaging of Living or Fixed Samples

Multiphoton microscopy (two-photon microscopy, non-linear optical microscopy, NLO) is a preferred method for non-invasive and deep tissue imaging of living or fixed samples, particularly in neuroscience. Multiphoton microscopy capitalizes on the fact that longer wavelengths (600 – 1300 nm) are less absorbed and less scattered by tissues, travelling deeper into the sample while still forming a focal point. The required energy to excite a fluorescent dye is provided not by one photon but by two photons with half the energy each. The probability of two photons to reach the fluorophore at the same time is only sufficient at the focal point. That is why emission light originates from the focal plane and can be efficiently detected, generating an optical section while omitting a pinhole.

Caption: Energy diagram of two-photon microscopy

Multiphoton Microscopy with LSM 980 NLO

Combine Confocal and Multiphoton Capabilities

An LSM that shares confocal and multiphoton capabilities gives you access to both technologies in the way that best suits your experiments:

  • Combine deep tissue penetration with enhanced sensitivity, resolution and speed.
  • Reduce light exposure and get clear separations of all emission signals
  • Efficiently collect light with high-sensitive GaAsP NDD detectors close to the signal
  • Visualize non-stained structures with multiphoton excitation by second or third harmonic generation (SHG, THG).
Acquired with the two-photon laser excitation at 1,000 nm, processed with LSM Plus.
Sample courtesy of the Fish Facility, Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung – Fritz-Lipmann-Institut e.V. (FLI), Jena, Germany
Zebrafish hindbrain vasculature. Acquired with the two-photon laser excitation at 1,000 nm, processed with LSM Plus.
The 100 µm volume was acquired with two-photon laser excitation at 1,000 nm with the GaAsP BiG.2 non-descanned detector. The dataset was color coded for depth and an orthogonal projection was created with ZEN blue. Sample courtesy of Prof. J. Herms, LMU, Munich, Germany.
Mouse brain slice with neuronal cytoplasmic GFP label
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) principle. Trajectory of a fluorescent particle through the detection volume

Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) principle.

Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) principle. Trajectory of a fluorescent particle through the detection volume

Trajectory of a fluorescent particle through the detection volume

Data Beyond Imaging

More Options for Your Research

Combining laser point illumination, linear scanning, and detectors that can capture the signal in photon counting mode make the LSM 980 more than an imaging device:

  • Raster Image Correlation Spectroscopy (RICS)
  • Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS)
  • Fluorescent Cross Correlation Spectroscopy (FCCS)
  • Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)
  • Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching (FRAP)
  • Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM)

Caption:  Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) principle. Trajectory of a fluorescent particle through the detection volume


ZEISS LSM 980 at Work

  • Cos-7 cells Anti-TOM20 AF750 (red), Anti-Tubulin AF700 (cyan), Actin Phalloidin-OG488 (magenta), DAPI (orange).
  • Separated fluorescent signals. The comparison illustrates how LSM Plus improves SNR and resolution.
  • Cos-7 cells Anti-TOM20 AF750 (red), Anti-Tubulin AF700 (cyan), Actin Phalloidin-OG488 (magenta), DAPI (orange).

    Imaged with LSM Plus, including the ZEISS NIR detector in channel mode.

    Cos-7 cells Anti-TOM20 AF750 (red), Anti-Tubulin AF700 (cyan), Actin Phalloidin-OG488 (magenta), DAPI (orange).  Sample courtesy of U. Ziegler and J. Doehner, University of Zurich, ZMB, Switzerland.
    Sample courtesy of U. Ziegler and J. Doehner, University of Zurich, ZMB, Switzerland.

    The fluorescent signals were separated by Linear Unmixing, facilitating clear separation between the spectrally overlapping dyes Alexa 700 and Alexa 750.

    Cos-7 cells Anti-TOM20 AF750 (red), Anti-Tubulin AF700 (cyan), Actin Phalloidin-OG488 (magenta), DAPI (orange).

  • Separated fluorescent signals. The comparison illustrates how LSM Plus improves SNR and resolution.

    Separated fluorescent signals. The comparison illustrates how LSM Plus improves SNR and resolution.

    Cos-7 cells Anti-TOM20 AF750 (red), Anti-Tubulin AF700 (cyan), Actin Phalloidin-OG488 (magenta), DAPI (orange). Imaged with LSM Plus, including the ZEISS NIR detector in channel mode. Sample courtesy of U. Ziegler and J. Doehner, University of Zurich, ZMB, Switzerland.
    Sample courtesy of U. Ziegler and J. Doehner, University of Zurich, ZMB, Switzerland.

    Cos-7 cells Anti-TOM20 AF750 (red), Anti-Tubulin AF700 (cyan), Actin Phalloidin-OG488 (magenta), DAPI (orange). Imaged with LSM Plus, including the ZEISS NIR detector in channel mode.

    The fluorescent signals were separated by Linear Unmixing, facilitating clear separation between the spectrally overlapping dyes Alexa 700 and Alexa 750.

    Separated fluorescent signals. The comparison illustrates how LSM Plus improves SNR and resolution.

NIR: Expand the Number of Labels

To capture the complex world of biology, the ability to expand the number of labels is a great advantage. LSM 980 can image multiple labels simultaneously, covering a wide emission range up to 900 nm. These Cos-7 cells were labelled with 4 different fluorophores, two of which have their emission peak in the near infrared range (NIR), Alexa 700 and Alexa 750. Utilizing the flexible LSM 980 Quasar and NIR detectors, all labels were imaged with optimal sensitivity. The zoom-in views illustrate how LSM Plus improves SNR and resolution.

  • Cockroach brain neurons (Alexa 488: yellow, Alexa 647: magenta) and DNA (Hoechst: cyan), without LSM Plus.
    Cockroach brain neurons (Alexa 488: yellow, Alexa 647: magenta) and DNA (Hoechst: cyan), with LSM Plus.

    LSM Plus

    Cockroach brain neurons (Alexa 488: yellow, Alexa 647: magenta) and DNA (Hoechst: cyan), without (left) and with LSM Plus (right).

    Sample courtesy of M. Paoli, Galizia Lab, University of Konstanz, Germany

  • F-actin (Phalloidin) staining of a ring canal in the Drosophila egg chamber.
    F-actin (Phalloidin) staining of a ring canal in the Drosophila egg chamber.

    Airyscan Joint Deconvolution

    F-actin (Phalloidin) staining of a ring canal in the Drosophila egg chamber.

    Courtesy of T. Jacobs, AG Luschnig, WWU Münster; with T. Zobel, Münster Imaging Network, Germany

  • Mouse brain cerebellum labelled with anti-calbinding (Alexa-568) and anti-GFAP (Alexa-488)
  • Mouse brain cerebellum labelled with anti-calbinding (Alexa-568) and anti-GFAP (Alexa-488).
  • Mouse brain cerebellum labelled with anti-calbinding (Alexa-568) and anti-GFAP (Alexa-488).
  • Zebrafish brain and eye vasculature (green) and Second Harmonic Generation (grey) in sagittal orientation.
  • Mouse brain cerebellum labelled with anti-calbinding (Alexa-568) and anti-GFAP (Alexa-488). The fluorophores were both excited with the 2-Photon laser at 780 nm and the emission spectra were simultaneously ­collected by the BIG.2 detector. 3D Tilling and Stitching were used to cover whole structure, and an orthogonal projection was created in ZEN Blue. Specific areas of interest were imaged with the Airyscan 2 ­detector in order to acquire high resolution images of the Purkinje cells. The Airyscan 2 datasets were processed and orthogonal projections were created with ZEN Blue. The individual superresolution images were aligned with the cerebellum using ZEN Connect. Sample courtesy of L. Cortes, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
  • Mouse brain cerebellum labelled with anti-calbinding (Alexa-568) and anti-GFAP (Alexa-488).
    Mouse brain cerebellum labelled with anti-calbinding (Alexa-568) and anti-GFAP (Alexa-488).  Sample courtesy of L. Cortes, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
    Sample courtesy of L. Cortes, University of Coimbra, Portugal.

    Mouse brain cerebellum labelled with anti-calbinding (Alexa-568) and anti-GFAP (Alexa-488).

    Mouse brain cerebellum labelled with anti-calbinding (Alexa-568) and anti-GFAP (Alexa-488).

  • Mouse brain cerebellum labelled with anti-calbinding (Alexa-568) and anti-GFAP (Alexa-488).
    Mouse brain cerebellum labelled with anti-calbinding (Alexa-568) and anti-GFAP (Alexa-488).  Sample courtesy of L. Cortes, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
    Sample courtesy of L. Cortes, University of Coimbra, Portugal.

    Mouse brain cerebellum labelled with anti-calbinding (Alexa-568) and anti-GFAP (Alexa-488).

    Mouse brain cerebellum labelled with anti-calbinding (Alexa-568) and anti-GFAP (Alexa-488).

  • Zebrafish brain and eye vasculature (green) and Second Harmonic Generation (grey) in sagittal orientation. A volume of 267 μm was acquired with the two-photon laser at 1,000 nm and emission was detected with the GaAsP BIG.2 detector. SHG allowed the visualization of the tissue structures, such as the retinal cells and ocular muscles. Sample courtesy of the Fish Facility, Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung – Fritz-Lipmann-Institut e.V. (FLI), Jena, Germany.

Multiphoton Microscopy

Multiphoton microscopy can be combined with 3D Tiling and Stitching in order to image large samples, such as this example of mouse cerebellum. Airyscan 2 imaging in Superresolution mode can be used to acquire superresolution images of specific areas of interest and can be seamlessly combined with two-photon imaging. ZEN Connect can bring all the information from your different experiments together, allowing you to map the high-resolution images on the larger structure, maintaining the context and simplifying your file organization.

  • Courtesy of M. Paoli, Galizia Lab, University of Konstanz, Germany.

3D and 4D Imaging

The brain, thoracic and abdominal ganglia of the cockroach are joined together by bilateral connective bundles of ascending and descending interneurons forming the ventral nerve cord. In this preparation, left and right connectives were individually labelled (Alexa 488: green, Alexa 647: magenta) posteriorly to the suboesophageal ganglion to observe the extension of their innervation within the different neutrophils, and throughout the ipsi- and contralateral parts of the brain (DNA labelled with DAPI: cyan). Imaging was performed using Tiling and Stitching to capture the complete volume (3×2.3× 0.26 mm). 3D animation of the complete dataset was done with arivis Vision 4D, ideal for rendering and analyzing large datasets. The 4D viewer in arivis Vision 4D can be configured to adjust the appearance of individual channels independently to highlight specific features.

Theses settings, along with clipping planes or the varying opacity of individual channels, can be stored into key frames which the software automatically interpolates between to produce a seamless animation. These animations can be previewed and edited prior to producing high resolution video renders.

  • Mouse intestine tissue section stained for Substance P (cyan, Alexa 488) labeling the presynaptic contacts in the enteric nervous system, HuC/D (yellow, Alexa 568) labeling the enteric neurons, and neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase (nNOS, red, Alexa 750) labeling a sub-population of enteric neurons. Sample Courtesy of Pieter Vanden Berghe, LENS & CIC, University of Leuven, Belgium.
  • This ZEN Connect project documents the experiment performed with the tissue explant of ependyma from the ventricular system of a mouse brain.
  • An overview of fluorescently labeled motile cilia on ependyma tissue explant from the mouse brain is quickly acquired by tiling with Airyscan 2 in Multiplex CO-8Y mode to find regions of interest.
  • Live imaging with 143 frames per second of fluorescently labeled motile cilia of brain ependyma.
  • Mouse intestine tissue section stained for Substance P (cyan, Alexa 488) labeling the presynaptic contacts in the enteric nervous system, HuC/D (yellow, Alexa 568) labeling the enteric neurons, and neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase (nNOS, red, Alexa 750) labeling a sub-population of enteric neurons. Sample Courtesy of Pieter Vanden Berghe, LENS & CIC, University of Leuven, Belgium.
    Mouse intestine tissue section stained for Substance P (cyan, Alexa 488) labeling the presynaptic contacts in the enteric nervous system, HuC/D (yellow, Alexa 568) labeling the enteric neurons, and neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase (nNOS, red, Alexa 750) labeling a sub-population of enteric neurons. Sample Courtesy of Pieter Vanden Berghe, LENS & CIC, University of Leuven, Belgium. Sample Courtesy of Pieter Vanden Berghe, LENS & CIC, University of Leuven, Belgium.
    Sample Courtesy of Pieter Vanden Berghe, LENS & CIC, University of Leuven, Belgium.

    Mouse intestine tissue section stained for Substance P (cyan, Alexa 488) labeling the presynaptic contacts in the enteric nervous system, HuC/D (yellow, Alexa 568) labeling the enteric neurons, and neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase (nNOS, red, Alexa 750) labeling a sub-population of enteric neurons.  

    Mouse intestine tissue section stained for Substance P (cyan, Alexa 488) labeling the presynaptic contacts in the enteric nervous system, HuC/D (yellow, Alexa 568) labeling the enteric neurons, and neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase (nNOS, red, Alexa 750) labeling a sub-population of enteric neurons. Sample Courtesy of Pieter Vanden Berghe, LENS & CIC, University of Leuven, Belgium.

  • This ZEN Connect project documents the experiment performed with the tissue explant of ependyma from the ventricular system of a mouse brain.
    This ZEN Connect project documents the experiment performed with the tissue explant of ependyma from the ventricular system of a mouse brain.

    This ZEN Connect project documents the experiment performed with the tissue explant of ependyma from the ventricular system of a mouse brain. All acquired data of the experiment session is kept in context. The overview images by camera and LSM allow to precisely record the localization of the acquired ciliary beating within the sample. The flow map of cilia generated flow along the ependymal wall is added as a reference.

    This ZEN Connect project documents the experiment performed with the tissue explant of ependyma from the ventricular system of a mouse brain. All acquired data of the experiment session is kept in context. The overview images by camera and LSM allow to precisely record the localization of the acquired ciliary beating within the sample. The flow map of cilia generated flow along the ependymal wall is added as a reference.

  • An overview of fluorescently labeled motile cilia on ependyma tissue explant from the mouse brain is quickly acquired by tiling with Airyscan 2 in Multiplex CO-8Y mode to find regions of interest.
    An overview of fluorescently labeled motile cilia on ependyma tissue explant from the mouse brain is quickly acquired by tiling with Airyscan 2 in Multiplex CO-8Y mode to find regions of interest.

    An overview of fluorescently labeled motile cilia on ependyma tissue explant from the mouse brain is quickly acquired by tiling with Airyscan 2 in Multiplex CO-8Y mode to find regions of interest. Z-Stack displayed in colored depth coding. The exact position of the recorded motile cilia is documented.

    An overview of fluorescently labeled motile cilia on ependyma tissue explant from the mouse brain is quickly acquired by tiling with Airyscan 2 in Multiplex CO-8Y mode to find regions of interest. Z-Stack displayed in colored depth coding. The exact position of the recorded motile cilia is documented.

  • Live imaging with 143 frames per second of fluorescently labeled motile cilia of brain ependyma. Acquired with Airyscan CO-8Y mode combining image quality and speed; for detailed analysis of ciliary beating direction and frequency. © Courtesy of G. Eichele, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany.

Navigate and correlate with ease

As the world of microscopy transitions gradually to larger samples, it becomes more important to maintain the positional context and keep a record of the areas captured. AI Sample Finder automatically classifies the sample carrier, identifies the sample, finds the focus, and creates a fast overview image using the T-PMT detector or camera. You can freely navigate using the overview image for orientation, and effortlessly move to the structures of interest. Making sure you only spend time imaging regions that hold information for your research. ZEN Connect correlates all data associated with the sample.

In this example, mouse intestinal tissue was labelled with three fluorophores covering an emission spectrum of 500 – 850 nm. AI Sample Finder automatically identified the carrier and created an overview image using the T-PMT to capture the Alexa 488 label. The overview image is used for sample navigation and identification of regions of interest. The ZEISS LSM 980 Quasar and NIR detectors were used to acquire images of the visible and invisible labels with optimal sensitivity.


    • ZEISS LSM 980 with Airyscan 2

      Your Unique Confocal Experience for Fast and Gentle Multiplex Imaging

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    • Flyer: ZEISS LSM 980 with Airyscan 2

      Your Unique Confocal Experience for Fast and Gentle Multiplex Imaging

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    • ZEISS Dynamics Profiler

      Your Easy Access to Underlying Molecular Dynamics in Living Samples

      2 MB

    • ZEISS Dynamics Profiler

      Follow dynamic biological processes and reveal spatial molecular characteristics

      3 MB
    • The Basic Principle of Airyscanning

      1 MB
    • ZEISS LSM 9 Family with Airyscan 2

      Multiplex Mode for Fast and Gentle ConfocalSuperresolution in Large Volumes

      3 MB
    • A Practical Guide of Deconvolution

      2 MB

    • Airyscan 2 기술이 적용된 ZEISS LSM 980 - Flyer (Korean Version)

      빠르고 부드러운 멀티플렉스 이미징을 위한 특별한 공초점 경험Shaping high-end imaging for your research

      1 MB
    • ZEISS LSM 980 ve Airyscan 2 (Turkish Version)

      Hızlı ve Hassas Multiplex Görüntüleme için Benzersiz Konfokal Deneyiminiz

      8 MB

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