ZEISS SteREO Discovery.V8

ZEISS SteREO Discovery.V8

Crisp and Brilliant Images throughout the Whole 8:1 Manual Zoom Range

Prepare and manipulate your samples - especially in developmental biology and quality assurance - thanks to the three-dimensional image perception. Acquire crisp and brilliant images throughout the whole 8:1 zoom range. The selectable click-stops for discrete magnification steps allow you to calibrate pixel sizes in the imaging software ZEN.

  • Prepare and manipulate your samples.
  • Profit from the 8:1 zoom range.
  • Get a three-dimensional image perception.
VisiLED ring light S 40-10 DF. In order to combine brightfield and darkfield in reflected light, the VisiLED ring light S40-10 is mounted onto the brightfield ring light using a special adapter.


  • Manual 8:1 zoom
  • Seamless integration into the modular system of SteREO microscopes
  • Manual or motorized focus
  • Manual or motorized X-Y stages
  • Illumination and contrast methods based on cold light or LED

Caption:  VisiLED ring light S 40-10 DF.  In order to combine brightfield and darkfield in reflected light, the VisiLED ring light S40-10 is mounted onto the brightfield ring light using a special adapter.

Embryonic stage of a squid
Embryonic stage of a squid Dr. Cassandra Extravour, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Dr. Cassandra Extravour, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Embryonic stage of a squid

Embryonic stage of a squid

Developmental Biology

More Insight for Your Research in Developmental Biology

  • Gentle, uniform illumination for your zebrafish and Drosophila embryos
  • Use CL 1500 ECO fiber-optic cold light source and a wide range of light guides and accessories to make sample structures stand out
  • Switch from shadow-free annular illumination to lateral oblique light at the click of a button - another plus for your research
  • Connect numerous phototubes for digital photo and video cameras with the 60N interface
  • Simply upgrade your fluorescence equipment with PentaFluar S
  • Use up to five different fluorescence filters

Quality Assurance

PCB - Annular Light

PCB - Annular Light

PCB - Annular Light

Objective: PlanApo S 1.5x

PCB - Annular Light

Your Quality Tool for Quality Assurance

  • Acquire crisp images without distortion to determine surface characteristics
  • Profit from excellent 3D impression
  • Make your work comfortable: define the viewing angle between five to forty-five degrees using the ergo phototube
  • Digitally measure and record your sample
  • Freedom of movement with large working distance
  • Extract maximum information from your sample with variable illumination options
Coaxial epi-Illumination S Particularly Suitable for Flat, Specular Specimens​

Coaxial epi-Illumination S Particularly Suitable for Flat, Specular Specimens​

Coaxial epi-Illumination S Particularly Suitable for Flat, Specular Specimens​

Optimum image results are achieved using the PlanApo S 1.0x objective. The quarter wave plate should be used in the case of vertical observation or documentation using the S/doc objective slide.

Coaxial epi-Illumination S Particularly Suitable for Flat, Specular Specimens​

Coaxial Reflected-Light Illuminator S

Use Coaxial Reflected-Light Illuminator S for the observation of smooth, specular surfaces and highly reflective specimens such as polished metal parts and microelectronic devices. The illumination and observation conditions are optimized for the PlanApo S 1.0x objective. For different objectives a lever for switching the fiber light guide position allows you to optimize the illumination.

  • Homogeneous illumination of large object fields
  • Light manager for coaxial lighting stabilizes the brightness during zooming


  • Mouth parts of the common housefly – Lateral darkfield. Transmitted light with VisiLED HCT contrast stage.
  • Mouth parts of the common housefly – Brightfield. Transmitted light with VisiLED HCT contrast stage.
  • SMD-Board with white solder resist. Reflected light with different light guides. Linear slit light for lateral grazing light.
  • Mouth parts of the common housefly – Lateral darkfield. Transmitted light with VisiLED HCT contrast stage.

    Mouth parts of the common housefly

    Mouth parts of the common housefly – Lateral darkfield. Transmitted light with VisiLED HCT contrast stage.

    Transmitted light with VisiLED HCT contrast stage​. Lateral darkfield

    Mouth parts of the common housefly – Lateral darkfield. Transmitted light with VisiLED HCT contrast stage.

  • Mouth parts of the common housefly – Brightfield. Transmitted light with VisiLED HCT contrast stage.

    Mouth parts of the common housefly

    Mouth parts of the common housefly – Brightfield. Transmitted light with VisiLED HCT contrast stage.

    Transmitted light with VisiLED HCT contrast stage. Brightfield


    Mouth parts of the common housefly – Brightfield. Transmitted light with VisiLED HCT contrast stage.

  • SMD-Board with white solder resist. Reflected light with different light guides. Linear slit light for lateral grazing light.
    SMD-Board with white solder resist. Reflected light with different light guides. Linear slit light for lateral grazing light.

    SMD-Board with white solder resist. Reflected light with different light guides. Linear slit light for lateral grazing light.

    SMD-Board with white solder resist. Reflected light with different light guides. Linear slit light for lateral grazing light.


    • Microscope and Measurement Systems for Quality Assurance and Quality Control

      Capture the essentials of your component. Quickly. Simply. Comprehensively.

      4 MB
    • The Profile The Modular System of Stereo- and Zoom Microscopes

      SteREO Discovery.V8 | SteREO Discovery.V12 | SteREO Discovery.V20 | Axio Zoom.V16

      7 MB
    • Your microscopes for your biomedical laboratory.

      Your microscopes for increased efficiency in the lab.

      9 MB

    • Use Case: ZEISS Microscopes in Restoration and Conservation

      The Imperial Carriage Museum in Vienna, Austria

      4 MB

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