Immersion media between the sample and the objective is required for high-resolution imaging. Manual addition of immersion media risks loss of data points or even microscope damage from user error; it is also tedious and inefficient. The Autoimmersion Module for ZEISS Axio Observer 7 widefield and confocal systems is your automated, easy-to-use solution for maintaining immersion media for water immersion objectives.
Automated, hands-free application of water for immersion
Reduced risk to your experiments and microscopes
Design of complex experiments for unsupervised data collection
Reduce Risk to Your Experiment and Your Microscope
The module automates the application of immersion media for water immersion objectives. Water is pumped directly between the sample and the objective. Only a few microliters are used per application and a built-in water protection system guarantees safe operation. The immersion media is applied while maintaining objective focus and position, leaving your experiments undisturbed. This removes common user errors that occur during manual immersion media applications.
Functionality without Compromises
The Autoimmersion Module is easy to install and compatible with many ZEISS water immersion objectives. Installation is a straightforward task even with difficult set-ups such as a microscope with a non-transparent XL incubator. No tools are needed to move components between objectives. The pipette can be switched from one objective to another within seconds. The capabilities of your objectives will not be compromised. The module does not decrease working distance, nor does it block visibility or access to the correction collar.
Full Software Integration for Simple & Intuitive Operation
The seamless integration of the Autoimmersion Module into ZEISS ZEN imaging software as well as the control touch screen for ZEISS Axio Observer 7 means simple and intuitive operation with minimal – even remote – user interactions. Apply immersion media on demand during manual or remote imaging experiments or at pre-programmed intervals during automated imaging experiments, all without touching the microscope.
See the ZEISS Autoimmersion Module in Action
Automated, Hands-Free Water Immersion
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Automated, hands-free water immersion for reliable data acquisition from start to finish
Autoimmersion Module for ZEISS Axio Observer 7
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The ZEISS Autoimmersion Module is easy to install and compatible with all ZEISS water immersion objectives
Preparing a water objective for automated immersion
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The seamless integration into ZEISS ZEN imaging software means simple and intuitive operation with minimal user interactions.
Automated immersion in long-term experiments
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If more than one objective is equipped with the module, the pipette can be switched from one objective to another within seconds.
Switching the feed pipette between objectives
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A built-in water protection system guarantees safe operation. Cleaning the objective is quickly done with a lens paper.
Cleaning the water objective
Automated Immersion for Complex Experiments
Improve Your Efficiency & Throughput
Improve your throughput by up to 2.5-fold by designing experiments that collect data during non-working hours, such as overnight or over the weekend.
Improve your throughput by up to 2.5-fold by designing experiments that collect data during non-working hours, such as overnight or over the weekend.
Make Better Use of Your Time & the Off-working Hours
Design complex experiments for unsupervised data collection where previously you were committed to stay near the microscope to ensure there was always enough immersion media. This includes extended live cell imaging experiments and / or multi-position data acquisition. Dedicate your time to other projects while your microscope collects data autonomously. The ZEISS Autoimmersion Module will enable reliable data collection through the end of your experiment.
With the Autoimmersion Module, I can increase the usage of the microscopes. During the day, the users can conduct short experiments or optimize imaging parameters, while long-term experiments will be performed automatically overnight.
ZEISS Autoimmersion Module at Work
Application Examples
Sample courtesy of K. Reglinski, Institute for Applied Optics and Biophysics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
Sample courtesy of K. Reglinski, Institute for Applied Optics and Biophysics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
Live Cell Experiments over Extended Periods with Automated Immersion
HEK KO PEX5 cells expressing eGFP with a photocaged peroxisomal targeting signal type 1 were reconstituted with the peroxisomal import receptor PEX5. A light induced conformational change of the photocage leads to exposure of the peroxisomal targeting signal. If the WT PEX5 is expressed, accumulation of the eGFP signal in the dotted peroxisomes can be monitored (top row). In case of the mutated PEX5 (bottom row), even after 18 hours, no peroxisomal import could be detected.
Sample courtesy: F. Páez Larios and C. Eggeling, Institute for Applied Optics and Biophysics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
Sample courtesy: F. Páez Larios and C. Eggeling, Institute for Applied Optics and Biophysics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
Multi-position, Extended Time Lapse Experiment with Automated Immersion
When working with living samples, you might not know where your event of interest may occur. To capture the uptake of nanoparticles by macrophages, many locations from a multi-well plate are acquired as well as multiple Z-planes over several hours at 37°C using re-immersion. The region shown above is a subset of the much larger dataset that was captured using automated imaging and shows the uptake of nanoparticles inside the cells (top row). The surface of the cells were also imaged to verify that the nanoparticles are inside the cells and not simple sitting on the cell surface (bottom row).
Sample courtesy of C. Haupt and K. Bacia, University of Halle, Germany
Red fluorescent small liposomes and different concentrations of Sar1p protein (partially labeled with Alexa Fluor 488) were mixed in a 96 multi-well plate and measured automatically over 15 hours. Krüger et al., Biophys. J. 2017.
Red fluorescent small liposomes and different concentrations of Sar1p protein (partially labeled with Alexa Fluor 488) were mixed in a 96 multi-well plate and measured automatically over 15 hours. Krüger et al., Biophys. J. 2017. Sample courtesy of C. Haupt and K. Bacia, University of Halle, Germany
Accurate Data Acquisition in Aqueous Samples
The ZEISS Autoimmersion Module is both fast and exact, ensuring your data collection is accurate even when moving to multiple positions of a multi-well specimen. As shown here, researchers prepared wells with different concentrations of a fluorescently labeled protein and were able to accurately measure the binding curve to red fluorescent liposomes using fluorescence cross correlation spectroscopy (FCCS).