Microscope for Digital Teaching and Routine Lab

ZEISS Primostar 3 Your Microscope for Digital Teaching and Routine Lab

No matter if you need a microscope for education, training or routine lab work: Primostar 3 is the easy-to-use, compact and long-lasting instrument that turns your investment into the right choice for long working hours even in the most space-limited environments.

Your students, trainees and lab staff can focus on the essentials from the very start – just choose the ideal microscope configuration for your tasks and applications from our pre-defined packages and you are ready to go. Primostar 3 comes pre-configured out of the box for a true plug & play experience, making it your reliable partner in microscopy today and in the years to come.

  • Decide for a safe investment
  • Tailor ZEISS Primostar 3 to your task
  • Inspire your students with a digital classroom

Watch the ZEISS Primostar 3 Product Videos

  • 360° Animation
  • Enjoy this robust yet compact microscope for digital teaching and routine lab work. Choose from pre-defined packages to inspire your students in a digital classroom. Profit from eco-mode and light manager and other clever features.
Decide for a Safe Investment

Decide for a Safe Investment

Primostar 3 is made of solid and resistant materials with an emphasis on mechanical stability. Even after years of daily and intensive use in critical environments you can rely on all components still working smoothly, with minimal maintenance.

Tailor ZEISS Primostar 3 to Your Task

Tailor ZEISS Primostar 3 to Your Task

Let your application decide which microscope configuration you choose. Whether you prefer a basic fixed-Köhler microscope for basic teaching or a dedicated full-Köhler setup for your histology lab, Primostar 3 comes in ready-to-use packages that are tailored perfectly to your application.

Inspire Your Students with a Digital Classroom

Inspire Your Students with a Digital Classroom

Primostar 3 features a digital microscope camera that is fully integrated into the tube, offering superior connectivity options. You connect microscopes in your classroom with Labscope, the unique microscopy app from ZEISS, and share snapshots or live video via HD monitors or projectors with your students. With the optional software module Labscope Teacher you manage and organize your whole digital classroom by getting insights into each and every student microscope from your Apple iPad or Windows PC. For online teaching purposes you simply connect Primostar 3 with your Windows PC and share the camera feed from your microscope directly with all participants in the remote video call.

Ready-to-use Packages

Tailored Perfectly to Your Application

  • Stand-alone for Basic Routine Imaging

    Primostar 3 Fixed-Köhler for Education

    • The fixed-Köhler version of Primostar 3 comes pre-adjusted with a large 20 mm FOV (field of view) - just plug and play.
    • A useful selection of objective lenses and eyepieces is already in place.
    • Additional plus: manage costs and energy with long-lasting LED illumination.   
  • ZEISS Labscope for Advanced Routine Imaging

    Primostar 3 for Teaching and Routine Labs

    • Choose between a 30-Watt halogen bulb or energy-saving LED illumination with stable intensity and color temperature.
    • Add the fluorescence tube and turn your Primostar 3 into an LED fluorescence microscope.
    • Choose from a variety of contrasting techniques, suitable objective lenses and options for digital connectivity and documentation.
  • ZEISS ZEN for Research Applications

    Build your Own Digital Classroom

    • Simply connect your Primostar 3 microscopes with WiFi-cameras and install the ZEISS Labscope microscopy app. As a teacher, you see all student microscopes at a glance, choose an image from a student microscope and share it via projector or monitor with the whole class.
    • Primostar 3 with the integrated 8.3 Megapixel HD WiFi camera and WiFi dongle is the package of choice for digital learning.

Plug and Play

Primostar 3 is so easy to use that your students and laboratory staff focus on the essentials from the very beginning. All you have to do is: unbox, unwrap, plug in and play!

  • How to Get Your First Image

  • How to Use ECO-Mode

  • How to Use the Light Manager

  • How to Change Illumination

  • How to Use the Illuminating Mirror

Discover the main components of ZEISS Primostar 3 and learn about their functions. Click on the blue dots below to open the descriptions.

Components and Functions

Components and Functions

The tube is connected to the stand and holds the eyepieces. Binocular tubes hold two eyepieces; monocular tubes hold one eyepiece. Cameras can be mounted to photo tubes (trinocular tubes). Ergo tubes have adjustable viewing angles and / or heights.


Eyepieces are inserted into the top end of the tube and make the magnified image available to the human eye. Typically, the eyepiece is a 10x magnification of the image produced by the objective lens and has a visual field number of 10 to 23. This number is the diameter of the intermediate image given in mm. Eyepieces are interchangeable. Special eyepieces for wearers of glasses are available, too.

Nosepiece Turret
Nosepiece Turret

The nosepiece turret houses the objective lenses and allows the user to switch between the different magnifications or types.

Objective Lenses
Objective Lenses

Objective lenses collect the light from the sample and generate the enlarged, intermediate image. They consist of several lenses. You can differentiate types referring to e.g. their color correction performance or the suitable contrasting technique.


The stage holds the sample with the help of object clamps. It is attached to the stage carrier mounted to the stand. Stages can be moved up and down as well as on two horizontal axes to position the sample into focus.


The stand is the main body of the microscope and houses all components for illumination and image acquisition.


The condenser focusses the light coming from the light source to illuminate the specimen. It may contain filters and diaphragms to adjust the quality and intensity of the illumination.

Light Source
Light Source

There are many options for light sources, ranging from simple mirrors to Halogen illumination or LEDs. The famous Köhler illumination is a process that provides homogeneous illumination without stray light.

Focus Drive
Focus Drive

The focus drive moves the stage up and down with separate adjustment for coarse and fine focusing.

Application Examples

  • Taste buds of rabbit in phase contrast, 40x objective
  • Convallaria in fluorescence contrast, 10x objective
  • Hair follicle of mouse in brightfield contrast, 10x objective
  • Hair follicle of mouse in brightfield contrast, 40x objective
  • Hazelnut in brightfield contrast, 40x objective
  • Convallaria in brightfield contrast, 40x objective
  • Taste buds of rabbit in phase contrast, 40x objective

    Taste Buds of Rabbit in Phase Contrast, 40x Objective

    Taste buds of rabbit in phase contrast, 40x objective

    Taste buds of rabbit in phase contrast, 40x objective

    Taste buds of rabbit in phase contrast, 40x objective

  • Convallaria in fluorescence contrast, 10x objective

    Convallaria in Fluorescence Contrast, 10x Objective

    Convallaria in fluorescence contrast, 10x objective

    Convallaria in fluorescence contrast, 10x objective

    Convallaria in fluorescence contrast, 10x objective

  • Hair follicle of mouse in brightfield contrast, 10x objective

    Hair Follicle of Mouse in Brightfield Contrast, 10x Objective

    Hair follicle of mouse in brightfield contrast, 10x objective

    Hair follicle of mouse in brightfield contrast, 10x objective

    Hair follicle of mouse in brightfield contrast, 10x objective

  • Hair follicle of mouse in brightfield contrast, 40x objective

    Hair Follicle of Mouse in Brightfield Contrast, 40x Objective

    Hair follicle of mouse in brightfield contrast, 40x objective

    Hair follicle of mouse in brightfield contrast, 40x objective

    Hair follicle of mouse in brightfield contrast, 40x objective

  • Hazelnut in brightfield contrast, 40x objective

    Hazelnut in Brightfield Contrast, 40x Objective

    Hazelnut in brightfield contrast, 40x objective

    Hazelnut in brightfield contrast, 40x objective

    Hazelnut in brightfield contrast, 40x objective

  • Convallaria in brightfield contrast, 40x objective

    Convallaria in Brightfield Contrast, 40x Objective

    Convallaria in brightfield contrast, 40x objective

    Convallaria in brightfield contrast, 40x objective

    Convallaria in brightfield contrast, 40x objective


    • ZEISS Primostar 3

      Your robust yet compact microscope for digital teaching and routine lab work.

      7 MB
    • ZEISS Microscope for Cytopathology

      Detect Diseases on the Cellular Level

      991 KB
    • ZEISS Microscopes for Hematology

      Study Blood and Blood Diseases

      1 MB
    • ZEISS Microscopes for Histology

      Examine Tissue Morphologies

      1 MB
    • ZEISS Primostar 1

      for Education and Teaching

      1 MB
    • ZEISS Primostar 3

      Your robust yet compact microscope for digital teaching and routine lab work.

      1 MB
    • Your microscopes for your biomedical laboratory.

      Your microscopes for increased efficiency in the lab.

      9 MB

    • Microscopy for practical training in zoology

      1 MB

    • ZEISS Microscopes for Cytopathology (세포병리학) (Korean Version)

      Detect Diseases on the Cellular Level

      4 MB
    • ZEISS Microscopes for Hematology(혈액학) (Korean Version)

      Study Blood and Blood Diseases

      9 MB
    • ZEISS Microscopes for Histology and Histopathology(조직 병리학)

      Examine Tissue Morphologies

      6 MB
    • ZEISS Primostar 1

      per la didattica

      1 MB
    • ZEISS Primostar 3 (Italian Version)

      Il microscopio robusto e compatto per la didattica digitale e il lavoro di routine in laboratorio.

      7 MB
    • ZEISS Primostar 3 (Polish Version)

      Inteligentny mikroskop dla wydajniejszej pracy w laboratorium.

      1 MB
    • ZEISS Primostar 3 (Turkish Version)

      Dijital eğitime ve rutin laboratuvar iş akışlarına yönelik, sağlam ve kompakt tasarımlı mikroskobunuz.

      2 MB

Visit the ZEISS Download Center for available translations and further manuals.

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