Software for Electron Microscopy - Find the Right Solution for Your Application

Software for Electron Microscopy

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Explore ZEISS Software for Electron Microscopes

ZEISS SmartSEM - Software Solution for SEM, FE-SEM and FIB-SEM


Software Solution for SEM, FE-SEM and FIB-SEM

ZEISS SmartSEM is your operating system for ZEISS electron microscopes. While providing access to advanced microscope settings it lets you solve even the most challenging tasks.

ZEISS Atlas 5 - Master Your Multi-scale Challenge

ZEISS Atlas 5

Master Your Multi-scale Challenge

Create comprehensive multi-scale, multi-modal images with a sample-centric correlative environment. Atlas 5 is the powerful yet intuitive solution that extends the capacity of your ZEISS scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and focused ion beam SEMs (FIB-SEM).

ZEISS Mineralogic - Automated Quantitative Mineralogy

ZEISS Mineralogic

Automated Quantitative Mineralogy

ZEISS Mineralogic 2D and 3D provide automated quantitative mineral analysis by bringing together cutting-edge microscopy with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the X-ray microscope (XRM), energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and AI-based deep learning algorithms to enhance your analytical capability and increase productivity.

ZEISS Smart PI - Smart Particle Investigator


Smart Particle Investigator

Smart Particle Investigator (SmartPI), your advanced particle analysis and classification solution, turns scanning electron microscopes into turnkey solutions for industrial cleanliness or metal and steel applications. SmartPI incorporates all aspects of SEM control, image processing and elemental analysis (EDS) within a single application.

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