ZEISS Labscope
for Your Daily Laboratory Work
Labscope is your choice to get fast results at the push of a button. From image acquisition, handy built-in measurement functions up to easy data sharing – with
functions dedicated to your daily workflow, you can increase the efficiency of your biomedical lab.
With Labscope you acquire brilliant images and get meaningful and reproducible results with ease.
Get Fast Results, Reproducible.
With AI.
Analyze the number of cells and the covered cell area automatically using artificial intelligence. The Labscope modules AI Cell Confluency and AI Cell Counting perfectly fit into your workflow. You examine your cells as usual. As you move from one position to the other in your cell culture vessel, simply take a picture. The images are automatically analyzed and you receive an instant result, visually and quantitatively.
Acquire Multichannel Fluorescence Images Easily.
Labscope delivers excellent results with fast time to image. In combination with a smart ZEISS microscope, you simply focus your sample and press a single button to save a crisp image of your cell or tissue culture. Settings and parameters are automatically adjusted for you. And this is true as well for transmitted light as for multichannel fluorescence images.
Manually Acquire Virtual Slides with Ease
Wether you want to digitize a complete sample or only parts of your sample in high resolution, Labscope Fast Panorama provides an easy solution to do so. By manually moving the stage of your microscope, images of the sample will be stitched together automatically into a panorama picture. This is the ideal solution if you have to scan whole slide images (WSI) once in a while.