2D Toolkit
Basic Image Analysis in Life Science Research
Analyze samples precisely using the 2D Toolkit. A user-friendly wizard assists setup, granting you with the full process control for efficient and easy task completion.

Professional Image Analysis with Minimum of Expert Knowledge
Good Guidance Guarantees Good Results
Image analysis can be complex, but it doesn't need to be difficult. The Image Analysis Wizard guides you through the analysis setup step-by-step. You can define your classes-of-interest, choose a segmentation method and the features to extract, all within a matter of minutes. After having created the analysis script, you can run the analysis and move on, or re-use on other data sets to generate reproducible results.

Flexibility to Fine-Tune Classes, Parameters, and Features
Every Analysis Presents Unique Challenges
Optimal image analysis requires some fine-tuning and depends on image quality, sample complexity or the scientific questions asked. The Image Analysis Wizard allows you to set up multiple, potentially nested classes, pre-process low-quality images, choose from a variety of segmentation methods, choose from large variety of measurement features (for data extraction) or even configure your own measurements.

Choice of Conventional and AI-based Segmentation Algorithms
Extend Your Possibilities
At the heart of an image analysis stands segmentation: The art of precisely identifying objects of interest based on their visual properties. To cover all possible variations and complications, the Image Analysis Wizard is equipped with several options like Intensity-threshold, variance-based or dynamic segmentation. Likewise, the wizard is compatible with Intellesis Machine-learning and Deep Learning segmentation models imported for example from arivis Cloud.

Neat and Interactive Results Display
Actionable Results for Your Research
Upon analysis completion, you'll be presented with visual overlays, a configurable plot, and exportable data tables. Statistics will be provided both on a sample level and on the level of single objects. The plot function allows displaying any feature in histograms, scatter plots or as heat-maps, which comes especially handy for well plate screens. All data is linked with each other, so you can interactively explore any experimental observations.