Add the ZEISS Brand to Your Microscopy Solutions ZEISS OEM Microscopes and Objectives Enhance Your Microscopy Solutions
Combine your fresh ideas for microscopy solutions with proven quality microscopes and parts from ZEISS. Choose the perfect microscope stand, light path or objective that completes your innovative product. Whenever your ideas demand microscope components that don’t even exist yet: talk to us to discuss and define the ideal customized solution for your system. Decide for microscope parts from ZEISS and enhance your product with proven quality components and optical performance plus a strong, trusted brand.

Stable Microscope Stands with Many Options
Choose the perfect stand for your customer’s applications from a complete portfolio - from compact manual light or stereo microscopes to the fully integrated inverted research platform Celldiscoverer 7 – it’s your choice!

High Quality Microscope Components
Objectives, tube lenses, condensers, nose pieces, reflector turrets, light sources, even whole beam paths – the modular design of ZEISS microscope parts offers a wealth of options for your integration. Choose your component or get in contact to discuss your needs for new designs with our experts.

Profit from A Global Network of Service and Support Experts
Wherever on the globe you are working on your microscope system – your ZEISS expert is there to help you. Talk to our well-trained service and support engineers to discuss even the earliest ideas for new designs and concepts – we can help you save time and cost with our expertise in microscopy.
Get in contact today to discuss your ideas: