Transforming Biocondensate Research: Using Array-Detector Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy for Protein Dynamics in Microfluidic Channels

Transforming Biocondensate Research: Using Array-Detector Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy for Protein Dynamics in Microfluidic Channels

The Dynamic Bioimaging Lab, led by Prof. Jelle Hendrix at the Hasselt University in Belgium, is at the forefront of biocondensate research. Their innovative studies focus on transient protein conformations that traditional structural biology methods often overlook, paving the way for the development of novel designer drugs and screening assays.

The lab specializes in analyzing fluorescence dynamics—random fluctuations in fluorescence intensity that occur as molecules move (translationally), tumble (rotationally), or wobble (structurally) during imaging. By employing fluorescence microscopy, the team investigates the structural and functional roles of various proteins involved in cellular processes and diseases, including cytoskeletal proteins, enzymes, ion channels, membrane receptors, and proteins that condense or aggregate.

Stijn Dilissen | University of Hasselt

Dilissen and Silva (not in this photo) study Tau condensates under microfluidic laminar flow via fluorescence correlation spectroscopy with array-detector.

Understanding Molecular Mechanisms of Proteins with Advanced Techniques

PhD students Stijn Dilissen and Pedro L. Silva, under Prof. Hendrix's guidance, combine nanobiochemistry, advanced light microscopy, and microfluidic platforms to explore protein dynamics. Dilissen focuses on developing microfluidic systems to study protein behavior using single-molecule FRET microscopy in cellular mimetics, aiming to create tools that provide deeper insights into protein molecular mechanisms. Meanwhile, Silva investigates the conformational and dynamic changes of Tau, a protein linked to neurodegenerative diseases, as it transitions from a monomer to a neurotoxic aggregate. His research employs advanced microscopy techniques like single-molecule FRET, raster image correlation spectroscopy, and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy.

UHasselt | Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy with array-detector

Utilizing Array-Detector Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (AD-FCS)

Studying the dynamics of Tau protein liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) at the single-molecule level poses challenges, as these condensates often sink in dilute aqueous environments, making traditional Brownian diffusion methods ineffective. To overcome this, the team has developed a microfluidic channel system that allows for controlled flow studies of Tau condensates. Using array-detector fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (AD-FCS) with a custom microfluidic chip, they examine LLPS Tau droplets under laminar flow conditions.

The ZEISS Airyscan detector's ability to perform auto and cross-correlation with Dynamics Profiler enables precise measurement of flow profiles and diffusion constants in both dilute and dense phases.

Stijn Dilissen  | University of Hasselt

The possibility of precisely positioning up to 10 acquisition spots along the microfluidic channel made condensate flow characterization significantly simpler and faster.

Stijn Dilissen PhD student at the Dynamic Bioimaging Lab of Hasselt University

By analyzing Tau condensates under microfluidic flow with FCS, the researchers can measure condensate size distribution, offering a novel approach to understanding biomolecular condensation phase diagrams. Their findings suggest that studying condensates under flow presents a viable alternative to traditional diffusion-based techniques, advancing our understanding of protein dynamics in biological condensates and their roles in health and disease.

Pedro Silva  | University of Hasselt

The ZEISS Dynamics Profiler supports this research by streamlining data acquisition through automated correlation analysis, ensuring high sensitivity and resolution for detecting transient molecular events. Its user-friendly design makes it a valuable tool for measuring dynamics in samples.

Pedro Silva PhD student at the Dynamic Bioimaging Lab of Hasselt University
UHasselt | Tau droplets flowing through the microfluidic channel

Time-series of Tau droplets flowing through the microfluidic channel, acquired with ZEISS LSM 900 with a 63x objective (C-ApoChromat 63x/1.20 W Korr M27). The fluorescent lines result from scanning imaging of rapidly flowing biocondensates.

Simultaneously Studying Two Dynamic Processes

Research on protein partitioning in dense phases is relatively new, making it essential to investigate molecular behavior within condensates. This understanding is crucial for early detection and treatment of related diseases. Traditional structural studies often rely on crystallization, which inhibits dynamics, or random molecular diffusion, both of which present unique challenges.

To address these challenges, the lab employs laminar flow in microfluidic channels, allowing for accurate capture of both diffusion and flow dynamics. Advanced technologies like AD-FCS provide high spatial and temporal resolution, facilitating the determination of how modulators affect LLPS and simplifying the construction of phase diagrams. Maintaining controlled microfluidic flow, preventing photobleaching of fluorescent dyes during extended measurements, and correlating data from both processes require precision and expertise, underscoring the lab's commitment to advancing biocondensate research.

ZEISS LSM | Actin-stained Zebrafish
ZEISS LSM | Multicolor Zebrafish

Tau Droplet Images

Droplets composed of 50 µM full-length Tau protein and 20 nM Tau labelled with Alexa-Fluor 488. The image was captured using spectral and T-PMT transmission detectors on a ZEISS LSM 880 microscope with a 63x objective (C-ApoChromat 63x/1.20 W Korr M27).

Left: Fluorescence image

Right: Fluorescence and transmitted light images merged


Future Trends and Implications for Biomedical Research

Their research on LLPS is paving the way for significant advancements in biomedical science. LLPS plays a crucial role in molecular dynamics and understanding it may lead to innovative methods for diagnosing, monitoring, and treating diseases associated with LLPS dysregulation, such as dementia and cancer.

Utilizing advanced technologies like array-detector fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (AD-FCS) allows the researchers to explore the dynamics of biocondensates at a molecular level, including examining their size, diffusion rates, and flow behavior. Such detailed analysis is essential for understanding how these molecular structures function and interact within biological systems.

In conditions like Tauopathies, LLPS transitions can result in harmful protein aggregation, research in this area provides valuable insights into the intermediate molecular states and the triggers that lead to aggregation, which are crucial for identifying early diagnostic biomarkers that facilitate earlier detection and intervention in patients.

Studying biocondensates under controlled flow conditions enables rapid and extensive sampling, creating an opportunity to evaluate how potential therapeutic agents affect condensate behavior. By elucidating the molecular mechanisms behind LLPS and its dysfunction, this research can guide the development of targeted therapies aimed at restoring normal phase separation dynamics. The implications of this research are profound, particularly for treating neurodegenerative diseases and cancers. By focusing on the underlying mechanisms of LLPS, scientists can develop new strategies that may lead to more effective treatments, ultimately improving patient outcomes.

In Brief

  • The Dynamic Bioimaging Lab focuses on biocondensate research, particularly studying transient protein conformations that are often overlooked by traditional structural biology methods. Their work aims to develop innovative drugs and screening assays by analyzing the dynamics of various proteins involved in cellular processes and diseases.

  • Researchers in the lab develop advanced techniques and systems to study protein behavior and dynamics. They utilize methods such as single-molecule FRET microscopy, Array-Detector Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (AD-FCS) and other advanced imaging techniques to investigate the conformational changes and interactions of proteins, providing deeper insights into their molecular mechanisms and roles in health and disease.


  • The lab utilizes Array-Detector Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (AD-FCS) in a custom microfluidic channel system to study Tau condensates under controlled flow. This approach allows for precise measurement of condensate size distribution and offers a novel alternative to traditional diffusion-based techniques, enhancing the understanding of protein dynamics in biological condensates.


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