
Cell Census to Synapse: Capture the Big Picture and the Details with ZEISS Axio Observer 7

13 December 2021 · 24 min watch
  • Software
  • Life Sciences
  • Widefield Light Microscopy
Author Colleen Manning North American Product Marketing Manager,
ZEISS Microscopy

Cell Census to Synapse: Capture the Big Picture and the Details with ZEISS Axio Observer 7

See intelligent microscopy in action as you capture both the larger picture and high resolution areas of interest. Using a sagittal mouse brain section as an example, watch how easily ZEISS AI Sample Finder detects and calibrates the slide, then finds and focuses on your sample, all without bleaching. Transition into seamless, artifact-free tiling using multiband pass filters and the gentle LED light source ZEISS Colibri 7, capturing global expression patterns across the brain. Navigate the slide with ZEISS ZEN Connect, finding areas to examine synaptic expression at high magnification using ZEISS Apotome 3. Finish it off with the ZEISS ZEN software module, BioApps, for protein expression-based cell counting with just a few clicks.

    Key Learnings:

    • Learn how to efficiently image large areas with high resolution imaging of regions of interest
    • How to use AI to detect and calibrate your slide
    • How BioApps can enable automatic cell counting

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