
Deconvolution: Basics and Practice

3 December 2021 · 52 min watch
  • Widefield Light Microscopy
  • Light Sheet Microscopy
  • Software
  • Life Sciences
Author Xianke Shi Application and Business Development Manager Life Science, APAC
ZEISS Microscopy


Deconvolution is a mathematical method designed to remove or reassign the out-of-focus blur signals from or back into the in-focus structures. Since the introduction to widefield fluorescence microscopy in 1983, deconvolution has witnessed the development of a wide variety of algorithms. It has been successfully and routinely applied to almost all microscopy techniques. When applied correctly, it can significantly improve contrast, signal-to-noise ratio, and in some cases, the resolution of your fluorescent images. This webinar will discuss the basic principles of deconvolution, some proven algorithms, and how to use it in practice.

Key Learnings:

  • Deconvolution can improve image quality for almost all microscopy modalities
  • Fluorescence widefield microscopy benefit the most from deconvolution
  • Deconvolution is easy to use when you learn how

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