
Exploring the Advancements in Fast and Gentle Super-Resolution Imaging

With LSM 980 Airyscan 2 Multiplex Mode

17 June 2020 · 39 min watch
  • Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
  • Life Sciences
Author Dr. Kalliopi Arkoudi Product Marketing Manager
ZEISS Microscopy


Biological research is an ever changing and developing field, as diverse as life itself. In recent years, there has been a gradual increase in labs transitioning from two-dimensional cell culture models, to more complex and physiologically relevant three-dimensional models. These include cells grown in different matrix surfaces, organoids, and even whole organisms or explant cultures.

Our ability to understand the underlining Biology has increased exponentially by using these diverse models, which are rich in information but posing unique challenges. From an observation perspective, today’s imaging world requires fast imaging of high volumes in conditions that are compatible with life.

In this webinar we will discuss how LSM 980 with Airyscan 2 Multiplex comes to help you see beyond, by allowing you to image your sample in the gentlest and fastest way, without compromising your image quality. We will explore how ZEN blue can power your research so you can work more efficiently than ever, through a series of automated workflows using a single complete software solution from acquisition to analysis. We will show examples of how scientific data from different users, even when taken years apart can be integrated seamlessly through ZEN Connect.

Learn how LSM 980 can allow you to simultaneously image multiple fluorophores with overlapping spectra, unmix them on the fly and remove autofluorescence, allowing for new scientific insights.

We will discuss how Airyscan 2 Multiplex can allow you to increase your imaging volume, image faster than ever before with super-resolution. Using our new Multiplex parallelization, you can increase your imaging speed by a factor of 8, allowing you to image a larger field of view. LSM 980 Airyscan 2 Multiplex powered by ZEN blue is your flexible, gentle, fast confocal microscope, that can support all your needs, covering even the demanding applications you can imagine.

Capture dynamic processes, cellular signaling, molecular trafficking, and diffusion events with real-time super-resolution and high SNR. All the while maintaining the context, keeping your experiments organized and increasing your productivity.

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