Product Introduction

News from ZEISS Crossbeam Family

Applications of LaserFIB and ToF-SIMS

29 April 2020 · 39 min watch
  • FIB-SEM Crossbeam
  • Materials Sciences
  • Industrial R&D
  • Manufacturing and Assembly
Author Dr. Fabián Pérez-Willard Solutions Manager Materials Science
ZEISS Microscopy
Author Dr. Antonio Casares Sales and Applications Specialist
ZEISS Microscopy


The LaserFIB combines an ultra-short pulsed laser, typically a femtosecond (fs) laser, and a FIB-SEM, all in one microscope. Massive material ablation by the laser allows to gain rapid access to structures buried deeply in e.g. packaged electronics or display devices. The targeted regions of interest can then be analyzed by FIB-SEM. Remarkably, sample damage or heat effects induced by the laser are minimal. Thus, the LaserFIB is attracting attention also in the field of materials engineering and characterization, e.g. for the fabrication of micromechanical testing devices with dimensions of up to millimeters or large cross sections for EBSD.

As a leading supplier of electron and ion optical systems ZEISS offers a state of the art Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) technology for compositional and Isotopic analysis. The webinar will give an overview of the high-end SIMS technology and its potential application space.

Key Learnings:

  • Learn about two of the latest additions to ZEISS FIB-SEM portfolio: ZEISS Crossbeam laser and the ToF-SIMS add-on
  • Learn how ZEISS Crossbeam laser is a unique solution for large-scale sample preparation and sub-sequent analysis in the
  • Gain an overview about the high-resolution SIMS technology from ZEISS and potential applications


  • News from ZEISS Crossbeam Family

    Applications of LaserFIB and ToF-SIMS

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