Quantitative Geochemical and Petrological Analysis
4 December 2020
· 37 min watch

Dr. Richard Taylor
Applications Manager for Geoscience
ZEISS Microscopy
ZEISS Microscopy

Dr. Edward Hill
Applications Manager for Mining
ZEISS Microscopy
ZEISS Microscopy

Dr. Matt Hiscock
Head of product Science
Oxford Instruments NanoAnalysis
Oxford Instruments NanoAnalysis

Dr. Rosie Jones
Product Scientist
Oxford Instruments
Oxford Instruments
In this webinar we demonstrate the research tasks in igneous and metamorphic petrology. This includes mapping from full thin sections to microscale features with greater speed, accuracy, and flexibility than has previously been possible.
Key Learnings:
- Use of a unique analytical approach combining automated mineral mapping with quantitative geochemical analysis
- Bulk sample chemistry can be obtained at any scale within a petrographic thin section
- Standard calibrated quantitative EDS can allow geological conditions to be constrained with direct context to petrographic observations