RSS-Feed for Microscopy Insights Hub

Stay up-to-date without searching

As soon as we put new articles online on Microscopy Insights Hub, you will be informed automatically via your feed reader without having to visit them manually. In this article, we'll explain what a RSS feed is and how it works.

For direct access the RSS Feed button can be found on the Insights Hub overview page:

  • What is a RSS feed?
  • How does it work?
  • Why you should use a RSS feed?

Be ahead...

...and receive content on your interesting topics regularly

What is a RSS feed?

An RSS Feed is a simple format that contains the latest updates from a website. To read an RSS Feed, you need an RSS Feed reader or aggregator. This is a tool that collects all the latest updates from the websites you subscribe to and presents them in an easy-to-read format.

Insights Hub RSS

How does it work?

To benefit of this RSS feed possibility please go to the overview page of Insights Hub page and copy the RSS feed code. We recommend using it via your browser or e.g. mobile via Feedly, Inoreader or your favorite RSS reader. The good news is that most RSS readers make it easy to add new feeds and start receiving updates right away.

Here are the steps to use the RSS code with your favorite RSS reader:

  • Find the RSS Feed URL for the website you want to follow on the Overview page of Insights Hub.
  • Copy the RSS Feed URL to your clipboard.
  • Open your favorite RSS reader or aggregator.
  • Look for an option to add a new feed or subscription.
  • Paste the RSS Feed URL into the appropriate field.
  • Follow any additional instructions to customize your subscription or add the feed to a specific category.
  • Save your changes and start receiving updates from the website you subscribed to.
Note: The exact steps may vary depending on the RSS reader or aggregator you are using, but most will have a similar process for adding new feeds.

Why Should You Use an RSS Feed?

  • Save time: Instead of visiting each website individually, you can see all the updates in one place.
  • Customize your content: You can choose which websites to subscribe to and only see the content that interests you.
  • Keep your privacy: Since you are not sharing your email address or other personal information, you do not have to worry about spam or unwanted emails.