C-SEM Upgrades
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C-SEM Upgrades

For an Increased Life Time and Extended Functionality

Detectors & Analytics

Analyze your sample through a wide range of different detectors. Different detectors allow you to receive various types of information about the surface, composition and other details which will help you to improve and ease your processes.  

Find the most suitable detectors for your needs:

  • Get a recommendation which detector suits your application
  • Easy application guide
  • Detector specific information
  • Learn more about available functionality
  • Interactive tool to learn more about ZEISS detectors

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Outstanding VP Imaging with Improved Pressure Range

The Cascade Current Detector (C2D) replaces the VPSE G3 and VPSE G4 to enable very low kV imaging in variable pressure (VP) mode. Images at 1 - 3 kV are now far more effectively captured.


  • Variable visualization
  • Enhanced water vapor resolution
  • Higher pressure range

Product Flyer


Excellent Imaging Variable- & Extended Pressure Mode

The Extended Range Cascade Current Detector (C2DX) is a detector unique to the EVO Series and is designed to provide superb imaging performance at the highest pressure up to 3000 Pa.


  • Minimized sample preparation
  • Improved signal to noise imaging
  • Increased pressure range

Product Flyer

ES Amplifier for BSD Detectors

Experience Next Level Imaging and Greatly Enhanced Image Quality

The BSD-Detector is used to detect backscattered electrons, that have been scattered under very low angles. The new amplifier provides higher detector efficiencies and delivers a variety of contrast information, much higher gain and a lower noise level.



  • Enhanced signal collection
  • Quiet application
  • Variable imaging

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ETSE for EVO & Sigma

Convincing Topographical SE Imaging

The new ETSE Detector (Everhart Thornely Secondary Electron) with optically coupled photomultiplier is designed to improve the SE collection at lower kV operations and longer working distances.


  • Charging effect reduction
  • Enhanced topographical imaging
  • Superb surface detail

Product Flyer


Improved Signal Collection for Faster Scan Speeds

The fourth generation Variable Pressure SE detector (VPSE G4) convinces with its improved collection signal and thereby a faster response time. Higher scan speeds enable you an increasement of productivity. VPSE G4 provides 20% more contrast up to 400 Pa pressure (at 20 keV).


  • Topographical imaging
  • Increased scan speeds
  • Enhanced low kV imaging


Affordable Easy to Use STEM on Your C-SEM

This upgrade enables high sample throughput and thereby extends the information limit of your EVO system. The significantly lower electron beam energies used in the SEM result in reduced excited volume and increased cross sections at lower accelerating voltages.


  • Advanced sample holder option
  • Improved resolution & contrast
  • Bright field imaging

Product Flyer


Embedded EDS Solution for Routine SEM Microanalysis Applications

If SEM imaging alone isn’t enough to gain a complete understanding of parts or samples, investigators will turn to Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) to acquire spatially resolved elemental chemistry information.


  • Optimized for routine microanalysis applications
  • Workflow-guided graphical user interface
  • Total ZEISS service and system support

Product Flyer

Nanostructuring & Patterning

Create structures in nanometer range by either removing or applying surface material and using different systems (e.g. Atomic Force Microscope), or benefit from multi-modal images and comprehensive multiscale with the various options of ZEISS Atlas 5.

Atlas 5

Master Your Multi-scale Challenge

ZEISS Atlas 5 makes your life easier: create comprehensive multiscale, multi-modal images with a sample-centric correlative environment.


  • Correlate images in multiple dimensions from multiple sources
  • Fast and easy image acquisition

Product Flyer


Software & Workstation

Explore our latest software versions and extended functionality through license options as well as the current recommended high performance PC-Hardware to optimize your systems performance.

SEM Workstation

Efficient Workflows, Intuitive Navigation and Faster File Search

The ZEISS Workstation upgrade improves the daily process by using the latest SmartSEM software, high performance hardware specification and latest operating system.



  • Latest SmartSEM version
  • Intuitive navigation
  • Windows 10

Product Flyer


Operate Your Scanning Electron Microscope More Efficiently

SmartSEM is an operating system for electron microscopes that provides access to advanced microscope settings, designed to solve even the most challenging tasks.



  • Enhanced imaging conditions
  • Additional software modules
  • More information of your images
  • Intuitive navigation

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Software Finder

Your Guide to SmartSEM Upgrades

Your interactive guide for software news, upgrades and additional functionality. Learn more about ZEISS software, workstations and compatibility, new software functionalities and recent software releases.

  • Interactive tool to learn more about SmartSEM
  • Easy software upgrade guide
  • Workstation compatibility information
  • Learn more about available additional software functionality
  • SmartSEM Touch introduction
  • Get information about hotfixes




Simplify Your Operation and Analyze Each Particle Automatically

Smart Particle Investigator (SmartPI), your advanced particle analysis and classification solution turns scanning electron microscopes (SEM) into turnkey solutions for industrial cleanliness or metal and steel applications.


  • Simple & quick analysis
  • Intelligent particle detection
  • Live progress tracking

Product Flyer

Software Module Catalog

Extend the Functionality and Performance of Your Microscope

Add new and improve existing functionality through our broad range of licenses which will help you to improve your processes, ease the use of your system and have tools to receive more information.



  • Improve your process by new functionality
  • More comfortable usage

Product Flyer

3D Surface Modelling

Topographical 3D Sample Analysis

Your scanning electron microscope measures and analyzes all kinds of samples in 2D: to analyze the surfaces of samples in 3D, use 3DSM, the optional software package from ZEISS. Get topographical information by reconstructing a complete 3D model of your sample’s surface using the signals of the aBSD or the AsB detector.


  • 3DSM
  • Perform a 3D surface reconstruction of your sample
  • Profit from real-time operation and reconstruction times < 2s

3DSM Metrology:

  • Gain automatic measurements and documentation in compliance with ISO 25178, DIN and ASME and other standards
  • Create completely traceable metrological reports
  • Characterize surfaces and profiles including parameters such as step height, distance, nanometer scaled contour, roughness and waviness, particle and grain size

Shuttle & Find

Bridge the Micro and Nano World

With Shuttle & Find you connect your electron microscope and light microscope from ZEISS. The combined hardware and software solution enables you to transfer your specimen from one microscope system to another within just minutes.


  • Receive more information
  • Fast calibration
  • Flexible choice of components

Product Flyer

SmartSEM Touch

Explore Your Object of Interest with a Simple Swipe of Your Finger

Select an area of interest with a simple swipe of your finger and the EVO-System will automatically collect your data, running unattended whilst you perform other tasks. The upgrade enables you a comfortable workflow through its contemporary touch interface and a variety of automated tools..


  • Sample type select
  • Detector overlays
  • Annotate & measure

Product Flyer

Case Study

Vacuum & Ease of Use

Increase your convenience and facilitate your work routine e.g. reduced loading time and increased sample throughput through the Airlock or a significantly reduced noise level through the ECO Quiet Mode. Decontaminate your specimen and chamber with the Plasma Cleaner or improve image quality through the compensation of charging effect with the Flood Gun or the Charge Compensation.

ZEISS ECO Quiet Mode

Reduce Noise and Save Energy

By using ZEISS ECO Quiet Mode and with help from a vacuum reservoir the pre-pump is automatically switched off after reaching a factory pre-set vacuum level. The vacuum reservoir allows the system to be operated for hours without the need of the pre-pump. This results in both the reduction of noise levels and energy consumption.



  • More comfortable application
  • High definition imaging
  • Energy-saving

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Plasma Cleaner

Clean Your Chamber Quickly and Effectively

ZEISS offers you a fast and cost-efficient solution for specimen and chamber decontamination. A Plasma Cleaner is used to generate reactive gas-phase radicals in a plasma. The radicals migrate into the instrument chamber and chemically react with the unwanted hydrocarbons.


  • Improved image quality
  • Fast specimen decontamination
  • Safe decontamination

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Other Accessories

Upgrade your microscope with additional accessories such as sample holders, the latest version of our dual joystick controller and control panel or an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) which ensures the safety of your system in case of a power failure.

Uninterruptible Power Supply

Secure Your Microscope in Case of a Power Failure and Prevent Data Loss

An Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) will be used if there is no steady supply of electrical power possible. It is designed to bridge short power failures and to shut down the microscope in a controlled manner during longer power failures.


  • Bridge brief power failures
  • Safety for your microscope

Product Flyer

SEM Dual Joystick and Control Panel

Control Your SEM More Easily

With the Dual Joystick Controller and the Control Panel installed, operating becomes much more comfortable. The Dual Joystick Controller can be used for stage control and specimen navigation and the Control Panel gives you easy access to the most frequently used functions of the SEM.


  • Many compensation possibilities
  • Various configuration options
  • Convenient handling

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