Developmental Biology
Use Case

Developmental Biology

Explore the dynamic world of developmental biology with cutting-edge microscopy from Zeiss. Discover how our advanced imaging solutions unlock the secrets of life, from single cells to complex organisms.


Visualizing the intricacies of life development

Advanced Imaging in Developmental Biology

  • Drosophila ZEN Connect 1-01-Airyscan Processing-01-Stitching-02-Color-coded Projection-04-2.tif
  • Mouse embryo imaged with Xradia Versa XRM to show internal structures.
  • Imaged using ZEISS Stemi 508 stereo microscope.
  • Drosophila ZEN Connect 1-01-Airyscan Processing-01-Stitching-02-Color-coded Projection-04-2.tif
    Drosophila ZEN Connect 1-01-Airyscan Processing-01-Stitching-02-Color-coded Projection-04-2.tif
  • Developmental Biology
    Developmental Biology
    Sample courtesy of Dr Zheng Zhifa, Beijing Union Medical College Hospitals
    Sample courtesy of Dr Zheng Zhifa, Beijing Union Medical College Hospitals
  • Imaged using ZEISS Stemi 508 stereo microscope.
    Imaged using ZEISS Stemi 508 stereo microscope.
    Courtesy of K. Fantauzzo, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, USA
    Courtesy of K. Fantauzzo, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, USA

Uncover the growth patterns of life

Developmental biology delves into the complex processes that govern the growth and differentiation of organisms. At its core, this field relies heavily on advanced imaging technologies to observe and document the minutest details of developmental stages. Zeiss microscopy solutions provide unparalleled insights into these processes, featuring high-resolution imaging systems tailored for live-cell imaging and time-lapse studies. These systems enable researchers to visualize cellular processes in real time, offering a window into the cellular dynamics that drive development. The ability to track developmental pathways with such clarity and precision not only enhances our understanding of biological processes but also paves the way for innovations in medical and biological research. Key applications include observing gene expression patterns, studying embryonic development, and monitoring cell differentiation and organogenesis. By integrating cutting-edge imaging technologies, Zeiss empowers scientists to push the boundaries of what is known about the building blocks of life, making significant contributions to genetics, molecular biology, and cellular biology. This vital research has profound implications, from improving agricultural practices to pioneering new medical treatments that can regenerate damaged tissues or organs.






Complete your lab

with our new solution bundles

You can enhance your Developmental Biology Research with the following solutions

Microscopy for Development Biology Research

Lightsheet 7


Light-Sheet Multiview Imaging of Living and Cleared Specimens

ZEISS's advanced microscopy technologies, including the Lightsheet 7 and LSM 980, are pivotal in advancing developmental biology. These systems offer fast, sensitive imaging capabilities that preserve specimen integrity and provide deep insights into dynamic biological processes. From high-resolution, non-destructive X-ray microscopy with the ZEISS Xradia series to the detailed cellular exploration possible with confocal microscopy, researchers can delve into developmental processes like never before. With ZEISS, scientists gain access to a suite of tools that not only streamline workflows but also expand the possibilities of what can be observed and analyzed in living and cleared specimens, ensuring that every experiment contributes to a deeper understanding of life's complexities


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