Core Facility Lab Management
Core Imaging Facilities

Lab Management Solutions and Support

Offerings for Seamless Operation of Your Imaging Facility

Managing the day-to-day running of your core lab is a busy and varied job. Aside from the upkeep of a wide range of instruments, you will also need to find time for booking service visits, training new users, troubleshooting issues, exploring funding possibilities and much more.

ZEISS understands your challenges and has developed and invested in many offerings to ease the daily burden of core facility managers and staff.

Maximize Instrument Uptime with Unparalleled Service

Maximize Instrument Uptime with Unparalleled Service

Keeping your core lab instruments running at peak performance is always a top priority. Unexpected downtime costs both money and reputation. Using remote and predictive service tools, the health of your instruments is constantly monitored and log files collected. This significantly improves remote diagnosis to ensure that your time to repair is minimized.

In addition, we are delighted to offer tailored service training courses for core facility personnel to provide a deep dive into the technical components of our instruments. This service training provides you with the tools you need to quickly and efficiently diagnose, and in many cases fix, common technical issues that arise. Contact your local ZEISS representative to explore the exciting core facility service training options available in your region.

ZEISS Supported Training

ZEISS Supported Training

Training of both users and core imaging facility personnel is vitally important in the core lab. Well-trained staff and users mean fewer operational challenges and higher quality data generation.

Supporting core facilities with a comprehensive training and education program is something we take very seriously at ZEISS. Our global team of product and solutions specialists provide unmatched on-site support with instrument and application related questions and training needs. We work with you to define the best training solution for each instrument to ensure optimal use.

Provision of digital training resources also continues to grow in importance, particularly since remote access to instruments is increasingly common. To support your users and core facility personnel, ZEISS has created a range of digital training resources covering operation of instruments, software packages, and solutions, enabling you to efficiently train your staff and users. Customers may access the ZEISS portal directly for training materials that support your core facility staff and users.

Let Us Help You Find Funding

Let Us Help You Find Funding

Securing funding streams for imaging solutions for your core lab can be challenging. ZEISS can support you in locating the right funding stream for your needs. We have worked closely with many core labs to locate and secure microscope funding, be this via funding bids or alternative models such as leasing or loan to purchase. Contact us to learn more about working together to fulfil your equipment needs.

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