Live Cell Imaging
Understanding Cellular Dynamics
Imaging living cells allows a better understanding of biological function through the study of cellular dynamics. From cell motility to cell-cell interactions, protein trafficking to cytoskeleton dynamics, cell cycle or cell death/apoptosis or many other topics in cell biology, live cell imaging may be critical to your research. In addition to balancing your needs for sensitivity, resolution and fluorophore requirements, you now have the added challenges of protecting your samples from phototoxicity with gentle imaging while balancing your need to acquire images at a faster speed. Perhaps you need options for photomanipulation. Your experiments may also require increased throughput, which can be very challenging with live samples.
* The images shown on this page represent research content. ZEISS explicitly excludes the possibility of making a diagnosis or recommending treatment for possibly affected patients on the basis of the information generated with an Axioscan 7 slide scanner.