ZEISS Mineralogic 3D on CT. Mineral liberation, quantitative mineralogy, volumetric measurements
Microscopy Solutions for natural resources

Automated analysis

Unlock the secrets of your minerals

The utilization of microscopy for automated analysis of minerals enables high-resolution imaging, allowing for the detailed examination of mineral samples at the microscopic level. This level of precision facilitates the identification and characterization of mineral phases, crystal structures, and elemental compositions with enhanced accuracy. Additionally, it expedites the process by reducing human error and increasing efficiency. It enables the collection of large datasets and the application of sophisticated image processing algorithms, leading to more comprehensive and statistically robust mineral analyses. Overall, microscopy-based automated analysis empowers researchers and geologists to unravel the intricate properties and behaviors of minerals, advancing our understanding of geological processes.

Large Particle Viewer (LPV) visualization of a full thin section from the Lewisian Complex, NW Scotland. BSE and mineral classification map
Large Particle Viewer (LPV) visualization of a full thin section from the Lewisian Complex, NW Scotland. BSE and mineral classification map
Large Particle Viewer (LPV) visualization of a full thin section from the Lewisian Complex, NW Scotland
Large Particle Viewer (LPV) visualization of a full thin section from the Lewisian Complex, NW Scotland
Large Particle Viewer (LPV) visualization of a full thin section from the Lewisian Complex, NW Scotland.
Large Particle Viewer (LPV) visualization of a full thin section from the Lewisian Complex, NW Scotland.
Large Particle Viewer (LPV) visualization of a full thin section from the Lewisian Complex, NW Scotland.
Large Particle Viewer (LPV) visualization of a full thin section from the Lewisian Complex, NW Scotland.
  • Classification of mineralogy in a copper sulfide ore using Mineralogic 3D.
Particle Analysis

Particle Analysis

Segmentation and Measurement

With ZEISS Mineralogic 3D, you benefit from the application of advanced and flexible machine learning protocols that recognize individual particles even when they are in contact with other particles of the same composition. Particles are then analyzed individually to provide a series of pertinent outputs such as modal mineralogy, volume, porosity, feret dimensional measurements, associations, and liberation.

Analysis of a comminuted ore sample reveals mineralogical, morphological, and liberation details of the constituent mineralogy

Mineral Processing

Data-driven Decision-Making

Increasing demand on resources has led to the evaluation of more complex, lower grade, ores. Maximizing recovery requires improvements in efficiency that involve detailed knowledge of the ore body, and of the mineralogy that influences behavior during the beneficiation process. When time is of the essence, Mineralogic 3D produces the actionable data needed for decision making, from comminution improvements, through process enhancements, to assessing the quality of the final concentrate.

Axioscan 7 Geo: multi-polarization slide scanner. Olivine gabbro with plane polarization (PPOL), circular polarization (CPOL), cross-polarization (XPOL)

Automated petrography for mining exploration

Enabling data-driven decisioning

As the world's requirements for natural resources continue to grow, the need to quickly assess viability of a site grows. Rapidly digitize- up to 50 frames per second - and quickly scan large amounts of petrographic data to determine mineralogy, increasing productivity and making faster and better decisions.

Axioscan composite multichannel acquisition of Berea Sandstone, showing Brightfield acquisition (left), circular polarized (maximum birefringence) acquisition (center) and the result of phase segmentation (right). Machine learning segmentation is used to classify pore (gold), quartz (light blue), Calcite (dark blue), Micas (red) and opaque minerals (green and yellow).

Automated petrography for oil & gas research

Understanding subsurface processes through rock characterization

Use high resolutions, high quality data from thin sections to quantify flow in porous media, understand how rock properties have evolved over time to understand the impact of our actions on the rock through its mineralogy, textures, layers, solid spaces, and porosity. Expanding beyond the real of the highly trained microscopist, ZEISS Axioscan 7 also offers an ease of use that enables you to increase your talent pool to a wider range of researches and analysts able to study and quantify these data.

Automated petrography for Blue sky Geoscience

Preserving your petrographic collections

Throughout your professional journey, you have dedicated yourself to exploring various locations for research purposes, studying the intricate workings of our planet, and gathering numerous rocks on a daily basis. These rocks were then transformed into thin sections to extract their significant characteristics. However, now you have the opportunity to streamline the laborious procedures and engage in more substantial tasks by automating the entire process. Additionally, by digitizing your petrographic collections, you can safeguard your work for the future. Another option is to enhance your analysis by incorporating correlative microscopy techniques that complement and expand your findings through the utilization of diverse methodologies.


  • ZEISS Mineralogic 3D

    The next dimension in automated mineralogy

    2 MB
  • Improving the recovery of your resources

    ZEISS Microscopy Solutions for Mining

    19 MB
  • ZEISS Microscopy Solutions for Geoscience

    Understanding the fundamental processes that shape the universe expressed at the smallest of scales

    15 MB
  • ZEISS Microscopy Solutions for Oil & Gas

    Understanding reservoir behavior with pore scale analysis

    7 MB

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