Ore Body Research and Mineral Exploration
Understanding the Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and Processing Characteristics of Your Ore
Locating and identifying marker minerals, identifying chemical vectors, and analyzing lithological characteristics to make informed decisions on the location, feasibility, and the potential value of an ore deposit is a complex task. By combining advanced microscopy technologies with geological knowledge, researchers can gain valuable insights into the formation processes, spatial distribution, and economic viability of mineral resources, thus paving the way for more efficient and sustainable mining practices.

Ore Body Characterization and Understanding
Ore body research encompasses a multitude of disciplines, all invested in better understanding the genesis of the ore body, the characteristics of the deposit, and its behavior under metallurgical processing.

Ore Deposits
Advanced microscopy techniques involving Automated Quantitative Mineralogy, Quantitative CT, and AI, provide a window into the intricacies of mineralogy and structure of ore deposits.

Mineral Exploration
The increased demand for industrial minerals, metals, and gemstones, is resulting in an increase in exploration activities. Whether you are looking for new mineral deposits or adding to ore reserves, there is a need for mineralogy and geochemical studies.
The identification and characterization of minerals is crucial in determining the presence, quality, and potential economic value of a deposit. Studying mineral associations, assemblages, and the geochemical information provided by ZEISS microscopes, geologists can infer the presence of valuable minerals in the vicinity. With the ability to observe and analyze minerals at the microscopic level, in cores and rock-sections, ZEISS offers unparalleled accuracy and precision, enabling informed decision-making in mineral exploration and ensuring more efficient and sustainable resource utilization.