Microscopy Applications for Reproductive Medicine
Microscopy Solutions for Fertilization
Oocyte and Sperms Prepared for the Desired Fertility Treatment
After assessing the quality, oocyte and sperms are prepared for the desired fertility treatment. In vitro fertilization (IVF), Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and Intracytoplasmic morphologically-selected sperm injection (IMSI) are reproductive technologies for fertility treatment of humans and animals. Especially ICSI and IMSI require high resolution and high contrast microscopes, equipped with micromanipulation. The procedure is usually carried out in a petri dish sitting on a heated microscope stage glass insert. ICSI has a higher fertilization probability rate than IVF. Therefore, in many regions and countries ICSI is the preferred ART method.
Reproductive Technologies for Fertility Treatment
In vitro fertilization (IVF)
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) |
Intracytoplasmic morphologically-selected sperm injection (IMSI)
eggs are harvested and incubated
eggs are harvested and incubated
eggs are harvested and incubated
unselected sperm cells are added
the oocyte is stabilized by a holding pipette
morphological selection of a healthy egg with an inverted microscope
both are left together (in vitro) for several days
a glass micropipette is used to collect a single sperm
the oocyte is stabilized by a holding pipette
healthy, mobile sperm cells actively fertilize the eggs
the unselected sperm cell is immobilized by cutting its tail with the point of the micropipette
semen analysis with an upright microscope
embryos are transferred into the uterus
the oocyte is pierced through the membrane (oolemma) and the sperm is directed to the inner part of the oocyte (cytoplasm)
morphological selection of a healthy sperm cell with an inverted microscope with high magnifications, DIC contrast with oil immersion objectives
the sperm is then released into the oocyte
a glass micropipette is used to immobilize the selected sperm by cutting its tail
cellular structures such as the zona pellucida and polar body of the egg cell must be clearly visible
the oocyte is pierced through the membrane (oolemma) and the sperm is directed to the inner part of the oocyte (cytoplasm)
the sperm is then released into the oocyte
cellular structures such as the zona pellucida and polar body of the egg cell must be clearly visible
shape and vacuole count of the sperm cells must be assessed
Application Images
Axio Observer, Narishige micromanipulation

Axio Observer, Narishige micromanipulation