Analog Microchips and Packages
Analog/RF, Power, MEMS/Sensors

Advanced Analysis for Complex New Materials and Structures

Faster Time to Market with Accurate Failure Analysis

The mobile communication, Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and the electrification of automotive industries are driving huge demand for high-performing “More than Moore” semiconductor devices, which require the integration of new materials and processes, or novel silicon architectures and packaging technologies such as micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS). Direct band gap and wide band gap materials such as gallium arsenide (GaAs), silicon carbide (SiC), and gallium nitride (GaN) present new challenges to equipment manufacturers and device fabricators alike. Many of these devices also integrate traditional ICs, which creates fabrication and packaging challenges.

To shorten the development cycle and speed time to market on these sophisticated devices, manufacturers need advanced analysis tools that can support complex new materials integration and root-cause analysis of failures.

Characterizing Novel Problems and New Materials

ZEISS has developed a variety of microscope-based workflows for R&D, failure analysis and quality assurance with:

  • The broadest portfolio of non-destructive X-ray, electron, and light microscopy solutions to identify and characterize novel problems at multiple length scales across a broad range of materials.
  • Enterprise-ready software solutions that enable correlative and multimodal workflows between collaborators within a single team or between companies in an international supply chain.
  • A team of experts in optics, electronics and material science who are focused on providing advanced solutions for challenging microscopy applications.

Analog/RF, Power, MEMS/Sensor Applications

The increased demand for improved 5G and edge devices drives integration of new materials, processes, and devices of vastly different functionality. We offer advanced microscopy analysis and workflow solutions to characterize defects, structures, and interfaces, enabling shorter development cycles and faster time to market.

  • GaN HEMT Backside Lamella Bright Field

    Bright Field (BF), mass-thickness contrast

    GaN HEMT Backside Lamella Bright Field

    Bright Field (BF), mass-thickness contrast

    Bright Field (BF), mass-thickness contrast

  • GaN HEMT Backside Lamella Annular Dark Field

    Annular Dark Field (ADF), inverted mass-thickness contrast

    GaN HEMT Backside Lamella Annular Dark Field

    Annular Dark Field (ADF), inverted mass-thickness contrast

    Annular Dark Field (ADF), inverted mass-thickness contrast

  • GaN HEMT Backside Lamella HAADF

    High Angle Annular Dark Field (HAADF), atomic number contrast

    GaN HEMT Backside Lamella HAADF

    High Angle Annular Dark Field (HAADF), atomic number contrast

    High Angle Annular Dark Field (HAADF), atomic number contrast

  • GaN HEMT Backside Lamella Oriented Dark Field

    Oriented Dark Field (ODF), strong crystal orientation contrast

    GaN HEMT Backside Lamella Oriented Dark Field

    Oriented Dark Field (ODF), strong crystal orientation contrast

    Oriented Dark Field (ODF), strong crystal orientation contrast

FIB Backside Thinned Lamella

GaN on Si

30 kV STEM images of a backside thinned lamella of a GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). Using different segments of the STEM detector, different aspects of the specimen structure can be highlighted. Lamella preparation and STEM imaging were done in a ZEISS Crossbeam FIB-SEM.

IGBT Cross Section and EDX Map

Cross Section and EDX of IGBT Device​

IGBT Cross Section and EDX Map

Cross Section and EDX of IGBT Device​

Examination of the edge of a gate in an Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) device. Cross section and EDX elemental analysis performed entirely on a ZEISS Crossbeam 550 FIB-SEM. Brightfield 30 kV STEM-in-SEM image of lamella combined with EDX elemental mapping in Crossbeam revealed crystalline Si precipitates.

SiC MOSFET Dopant Profile

Dopant Profile Image of SiC MOSFET

SiC MOSFET Dopant Profile

Dopant Profile Image of SiC MOSFET

Cleaved SiC MOSFET device imaged at 1.5 kV in a ZEISS Crossbeam FIB-SEM. The image strongly highlights different implant doping regions due to the difference in work functions. The N+ diffusion is shown as a dark band underneath and extending to either side of the gate. The P-type body region is highlighted as a bright zone. This technique gives feedback on junction health and placement.

Nanoscale 3D X-ray Imaging of Smartphone Mainboard

3D Image of Accelerometer - MEMS

3D Analysis of Smartphone Gyroscope / Accelerometer

3D Image of Accelerometer - MEMS

3D Analysis of Smartphone Gyroscope / Accelerometer

3D X-ray reconstruction of silicon microcomb structures imaged at 1 µm/voxel resolution.​

Acquired by ZEISS Xradia Versa X-ray microscope

Plan View of Accelerometer MEMS Fine Comb Fins

High-resolution Image Fine Comb Fin

Plan View of Accelerometer MEMS Fine Comb Fins

High-resolution Image Fine Comb Fin

Virtual plan view of same analysis showing fine comb fins imaged at 0.3 µm/voxel resolution.​

Acquired by ZEISS Xradia Versa X-ray microscope

Accelerometer MEMS Fine Comb Fins Cross Section

Virtual Slice of Fine Comb Fins

Accelerometer MEMS Fine Comb Fins Cross Section

Virtual Slice of Fine Comb Fins

Virtual cross section of same sample showing a detailed view 2.1 µm fine comb fins imaged at 0.3 µm/voxel resolution.​

Acquired by ZEISS Xradia Versa X-ray microscope

Non-destructive Analysis from System to Package to Interconnect​

3D X-ray Image of Smartphone


3D X-ray Image of Smartphone


3D X-ray image of an entire smartphone image at 50 µm/voxel resolution.​

Acquired by ZEISS Xradia Context microCT

PMIC Package Virtual Plan View

Power Management IC Package

PMIC Package Virtual Plan View

Power Management IC Package

Virtual plan view of power management integrated circuit (PMIC) package imaged at 11 µm/voxel resolution.​

Acquired by ZEISS Xradia Context microCT

PMIC Package Interconnects Cross Section

PMIC Interconnects

PMIC Package Interconnects Cross Section

PMIC Interconnects Cross Section

Virtual cross section of PMIC solder bumps and vias imaged at 2.1 µm/voxel.​

Acquired using the unique Resolution at a Distance capability of ZEISS Xradia Versa X-ray microscope​

Analog IC Nanoprobing EBAC
Analog IC Nanoprobing InLens Image

Analog Chip Imaged with EBAC

A digital counting chip examined with nanoprobing in a GeminiSEM at 20 kV. The Electron Beam Absorbed Current (EBAC) image contains information about the interconnectivity of sub-surface wiring and the buried p/n junctions.


    • ZEISS GeminiSEM FE-SEM Family

      Perform versatile, high-resolution semiconductor imaging and characterization.

      1 MB
    • ZEISS Xradia Context microCT

      Visualize and characterize embedded structures and defects

      621 KB

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