macro detail of RGB-LED-stripe
Display, LED, and Photonics

Accelerate Development and Manufacturing with Advanced Microscopy

Improved Production Yields of Defect-Free Devices

Consumer demand for brighter and more interactive display panels in electronic products is driving innovation in the highly competitive display industry. Display technology is evolving, with LCD and rigid organic light-emitting-diode (OLED) technology now produced in large volumes at low cost, and premium consumer products offering flexible OLED and microLED displays.

OLED, microLED and photonics applications are complex systems utilizing sensitive and difficult-to-analyze materials that demand advanced microscopy technologies in their development and manufacture.

Collaborative Workflows Speed Time to Results

ZEISS provides microscopy solutions to accelerate time to market and improve production yields of defect-free devices. Solutions include:

  • A fully-correlative portfolio from X-ray to light to electron microscopy, with automated image acquisition and analysis at multiple modalities and length scales
  • Enterprise software allowing data transfer and sharing between tools for collaboration, reducing time to results
  • Dedicated sample handling workflows for the analysis of air-sensitive materials. Cryogenic and inert gas sample handling is critical for providing a pristine sample surface for meaningful analysis

Display, LED, and Photonics Applications

Technology innovation is accelerating in display, LED, and photonics to serve diverse and emerging applications. We offer microscopy solutions with automated image acquisition for multimodal, multi-scale analysis to speed time to market and improve production yields of defect-free devices.

3D Tomography of Image Sensor

3D FIB-SEM tomography dataset of an image sensor, acquired in a ZEISS Crossbeam. Volume size 15.5 x 15.3 x 11.2 µm3, voxel size (15 nm)3. One application of this technique is the examination of spatial crack propagation in the 3D dataset.

3D Tomography of Smartphone Camera Module

3D X-ray Image of Smartphone Camera Module

3D Reconstruction of Smartphone Camera Module

3D X-ray Image of Smartphone Camera Module

3D Reconstruction of Smartphone Camera Module

Non-destructive 3D X-ray imaging of camera module acquired at 18 µm/voxel resolution shows CMOS imaging sensor and other mechanical components.

Acquired by ZEISS Xradia Versa X-ray microscope

Six Layer Optical Lens Stack with 3D XRM

Smartphone Camera Lens Analysis

Six Layer Optical Lens Stack with 3D XRM

Smartphone Camera Lens Analysis

Virtual cross section focusing on six-layer optical lens stacks imaged at 18 µm/voxel resolution.

Acquired with ZEISS Xradia Versa X-ray microscope using Compton scattering mechanism and a ZEISS proprietary source filter


    • ZEISS GeminiSEM FE-SEM Family

      Perform versatile, high-resolution semiconductor imaging and characterization.

      1 MB
    • ZEISS Xradia Context microCT

      Visualize and characterize embedded structures and defects

      621 KB

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