
ZEISS Solutions for Biopharma & Biotech

Maximize Your Microscopy ROI with the Right Solutions Provider

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Microscopy solutions that scale with your business plan
ZEISS microscopy professionals can help you find the right solutions and provide sound advice to help minimize your risk and reduce your time to market.

Securing your imaging solutions
From leasing to venture capital options, ZEISS has flexible solutions for acquiring the imaging technology you need to succeed.

The Right Imaging Solution for you

ZEISS has the most powerful portfolio of technologies. Here are a few examples:

ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7

High Content

High throughput imaging requires automated solutions. With ZEISS, digitize up to 100 large area brain or tissue section slides at high speed and in high resolution. Or automate your live cell imaging of samples in dishes or multiwell plates with systems designed to keep your samples alive while capturing data over hours to days with minimal supervision.

ZEISS Axioscan 7


Multiplex microscopy and spatial phenotyping for tissueomics are unveiling tumor and tissue microenvironments. From confocal microscopes to digital slide scanners to widefield research microscope platforms with powerful software analyses, ZEISS offers solutions with the combination of large area imaging, high spatial resolution and accurate fluorophore emission separation for your most challenging tissueomics experiments.

ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7


Organoids and 3D cell cultures present challenges for high resolution imaging from their dense gel media to their distance from the cover glass. From confocal to light sheet microscopes, ZEISS offers extremely sensitive imaging systems that provide amazing high resolution, 3D data of these delicate structures.

ZEISS Imaging Solutions

Cleared Tissues

Optical tissue clearing techniques have enabled light microscopes to image entire brains and other organs with subcellular resolution. Regardless of which clearing technique you use, ZEISS imaging solutions balance the challenge of large sample sizes with high resolution and high acquisition speed, allowing you to image your entire sample with clarity in a shorter amount of time.

Rat kidney histology slide, documented with brightfield microscopy
ZEISS Smart Microscopy

Lab Documentation

Lab documentation of routine work must be fast, easy and accurate. With ZEISS Smart Microscopy, press a single button on your microscope stand and acquire crisp images in true color, just as you see them through the eyepieces. The system automatically adjusts all parameters and adds the correct scaling information to your saved image.

Automated object classification for cell counting analyses.

Increase Your Speed to Data

ZEISS knows how critical it is that you acquire accurate data in the shortest possible time. Whether you are working with whole slide imaging using digital slide scanners to 3D imaging of organoids or tissues, we can help you improve your ROI:

Improve your workflow
From custom tailored hardware to personalized software, we can work with you to ensure your technology is acquiring the data you need in the most efficient way possible.

Data analysis powered by deep learning
ZEISS software solutions using artificial intelligence enable automated segmentation and image analyses. Batch process hundreds of images automatically and decrease your time from experimental design to data. ZEISS AI solutions are designed to be easy to implement so that even novice users can reduce their time from data to results.

End-to-end Workflow Solutions to Automate Your Research from Image to Results

We’re here to help enable discovery and accelerate your research via the interconnected ZEISS Digital Ecosystem by making it easier to extract meaningful data in an automated, scalable fashion. Get reliable, reproduceable results via custom automated workflows that can be run continuously without user input – let the technology work for you and your lab.

Use arivis Pro   to build image analysis pipelines tailored to your specific research and experiments – from simple and straightforward, to complex and multi-dimensional. This is how we automate your entire workflow from image to results so you can focus on what’s most important: the science and what the data is telling you to make informed decisions on the direction of your research.

Don’t just decrease time to image… Decrease your time to decision. Get better data, faster – harness the power of the ZEISS Digital Ecosystem.

Contact us to learn how ZEISS can help you

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If you want to have more information on data processing at ZEISS, please refer to our data privacy and legal notice.

Are You a New Biotech Startup?

Do you require imaging solutions as an integral part of your research? We’re here to help!

ZEISS has created a program specifically for new biotech startups – companies that have achieved funding, but are still on a tight budget and need all the help they can get.   Our partnership comes with access to special discounts for automated imaging solutions, including powerful AI analysis software to accelerate R&D timelines and push your projects forward to the next research milestone.  

Register with us and we will follow up with specifics of this program and how it can benefit you.