At ZEISS, we want to help our users to focus on their core work – creating great pedagogical outcomes. Rather than rushing around checking that students are looking at the right part of the sample, you can now see what every student is seeing LIVE on an android, iOS or windows device, from anywhere in the lab.
All the microscopes in the classroom are connected digitally via Wi-Fi to your personal devices, so you have full access to see what your students are seeing at any time.
This personalized and blended learning experience is brought to life with the powerful yet free Labscope ecosystem which works with our whole range of quality teaching microscopes. Project any microscope's image or video onto a screen or a projector, create learning opportunities with your students, and allow the students to create the narrative of the lesson.
On the spot, you're able to correct, explain and teach your concepts as your students are using their microscopes on their own, in groups or in front of the entire class.
These images and videos can also be shared between classmates and online.