ZEISS at Society for Neuroscience

October 5-9, 2024 | Booth #653

The precision and repeatability of your work are critical, but are your current tools holding you back from groundbreaking discoveries? It’s time to find out how you can make the invisible visible and the complex quantifiable.

Join us at booth #653 at SfN 2024: Where Innovation Meets Insight

Over the past year, we have doubled down on our training efforts for both ourselves and the community to be a better resource for neuroscientists like you. We’ve created focused pipelines for specific neuroscience applications, from imaging to analysis, and trained our microscopy specialists in your field’s most cutting-edge techniques. While you continuously expand our understanding of the nervous system, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of microscopy and image analysis. Together, we can get faster, more detailed answers to your research questions.

What awaits you at our booth:

  • Customer-Led Insights: Hear firsthand from our customers about their groundbreaking findings using ZEISS technologies to enable their work.
  • Live Demos: Streamed on demand from our ZEISS Microscopy Customer Center.
  • Hands-On Experience: Interact with our optimized pipelines and see the difference firsthand.
  • Dedicated Expertise: Discover how our comprehensive support can amplify your daily experiments and fulfill your most ambitious scientific endeavors.
  • Latest Innovations: Stop by to learn more about the latest ZEISS technology in fluorescence imaging.

Don't miss this chance to further advance your research. Visit us at booth #653 and let’s start working together!

Discover what's new at ZEISS

Stop by our booth to learn more about our latest microscopy solutions:

What's New At ZEISS: Visit our booth to discover our latest launch

We are always evolving our product catalogue to better serve researchers like you. Our newest product will launch at SfN 2024, stop by booth #653 to see it for yourself!

ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7: Enhanced Speed and Sensitivity for Neuroscience Research

When your research demands both efficient and powerful imaging across expansive neural samples, ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 delivers. Now featuring high-powered LEDs, including far red (735 nm), sensitive 8-series cameras, and a faster scanning stage for up to 9x quicker imaging, this system excels in capturing vast neural networks without compromising image quality. With AI-driven autodetection and calibration capabilities the Celldiscoverer 7 is ready to streamline all your neuroscience workflows. The Celldiscoverer 7 with LSM 900 and Airyscan combines cutting edge technology with automation to image cultured neurons, model organisms or tissue sections. Novice users benefit from the automation features of the system, while experienced users also have full access to the power of ZEN to adapt workflows to their research needs. Image in widefield, confocal or super-resolution without restrictions on sample or carrier type.

ZEISS eCommerce: Your Gateway to Streamlined Microscopy Solutions

We are proud to offer an online exploration and ordering resource for a range of high-quality microscopy products tailored to your neuroscience research needs. Whether you're imaging cells or whole tissues, discover the right microscope with ZEISS' renowned optics and advanced capabilities. Take advantage of exclusive trial offers and explore tailored solutions for neuroscience, from high-resolution sample prep to live-cell imaging. Select microscopes are available for trial or direct ordering, with real-time availability, 60-day trial options, and live chat support. Elevate your neuroscience research with ZEISS eCommerce today!

In-Booth Presentations

Attend educational presentations in the ZEISS booth.

  • Astrocytic transcriptional regulation modulates microglia morphology

    Presented by: Leanne Holt, PhD. Postdoctoral Fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Eric Nestler, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

    Emerging evidence implicates non-neuronal cells in nearly every neuropsychiatric disorder. With the rise of single-cell sequencing approaches, a plethora of investigations are underway to elucidate the transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of these cells, including astrocytes. We have identified one such mechanism involving transcription factor CREB in astrocytes. Given the well-known astrocyte-microglia cross talk, we investigated how CREB-mediated transcriptional regulation may impact microglia morphology utilizing the ZEISS arivis Image Analysis Software. Iba1 staining reveals indeed that viral-mediated modulation of CREB activity in astrocytes modulates microglia morphology.

    Leanne Holt, PhD.

    Leanne completed her PhD at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in the laboratory of Michelle Olsen, studying the role of BDNF on astrocyte morphological maturation. She is now a postdoctoral fellow in Eric Nestler’s lab at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai investigating the astrocyte transcriptome and it’s regulation.

  • Cutting-Edge Innovation: Unveiling the Latest Advancement from ZEISS

    Presented by: Olivia Prazeres da Costa, PhD. Senior Product Manager ZEISS Microscopy 

    Join us to witness the launch of our newest technology designed to accelerate your neuroscience research. Discover how our latest solution pushes the boundaries of imaging.

    Olivia Prazeres da Costa, PhD.

    Senior Product Manager at ZEISS Microscopy

  • From tSEM to tomoSEM: large-field electron tomography in thick sections of hippocampus

    Presented by: John Mendenhall
    In collaboration with A. Wetzel 2, T. Bartol 3, T. Middendorf 1, R. Salzer 4, V. Thiyagarajan 1, M. Kuwajima 1, J. Carson 5, T. Sejnowski 3, K. M. Harris 1

    1. The University of Texas at Austin, Center for Learning and Memory 2. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh 3. Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla 4. Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Jena 5. Texas Advanced Computing Center

    tSEM is a non-destructive volume-imaging method for automated capture of large-field images (> 50k x 50k pixels) at high lateral resolution (~ 2 nm) from serial ultrasections (~ 45 nm thickness). This method uses transmission detection on a <30 kV field emission SEM platform. However, the axial resolution of tSEM through the sample thickness presents a barrier to sub-cellular volume reconstruction by obscuring critical axial details of oblique membranes, intracellular space, synaptic zones, perisynaptic astroglia, smooth ER, multivesicular bodies, spine apparatus, and local axon trajectories, even within the ultrathin sections.

    We are developing an automated tomographic method, tomoSEM, that expands the capabilities of tSEM. In this method, the multiple projections acquired per region of interest are transmitted through easy-to-handle, thick (250 - 300 nm) serial sections. Current computed volumes indicate a five-fold improvement in axial resolution over ultrathin section projections that is consistent from the center to the margin across the field diameter. The tomoSEM modifications to a standard SEM are minor and relatively inexpensive. These include automation acquisition software controlling a 360o rotating super-stage with increased distance to a small diameter solid state STEM detector.

    This presentation will address crucial aspects of SEM that make tomography a viable volume imaging method such as accurate dynamic focusing across very large and highly tilted fields and the use of very short (<300ns) dwell times that harness the power of averaging across multiple projections. The capability of generalized tilt and rotation combinations not limited to particular axes allows us to explore generalized projection geometries including Fibonacci-style “irrational” acquisition schemes to minimize the number of required images and reduce reconstruction artifacts.

    NSF Technology Hub– 1707356

    NSF NeuroNex – 2014862

    NSF-NCS - 221989

    John Mendenhall

    John Mendenhall is a research scientist in the Kristen Harris laboratory at the Center for Learning and Memory, University of Texas, Austin. His recent work involves developing volume scanning electron microscopy and reconstruction methods to investigate the ultrastructure of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus.

  • Integrator dynamics in the cortico-basal ganglia loop underlie flexible motor timing

    Presented by: Zidan Yang, Graduate Student Laboratory of Dr. Hidehiko Inagaki, Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience

    Flexible control of motor timing is crucial for behavior. Before volitional movement begins, the frontal cortex and striatum exhibit ramping spiking activity, with variable ramp slopes anticipating movement onsets. This activity in the cortico-basal ganglia loop may function as an adjustable ‘timer’, triggering actions at the desired timing. However, because the frontal cortex and striatum share similar ramping dynamics and are both necessary for timing behaviors, distinguishing their individual roles in this timer function remains challenging. To address this, we conducted perturbation experiments combined with multi-regional electrophysiology in mice performing a flexible lick-timing task. Following transient silencing of the frontal cortex, cortical and striatal activity swiftly returned to pre-silencing levels and resumed ramping, leading to a shift in lick timing close to the silencing duration. Conversely, briefly inhibiting the striatum caused a gradual decrease in ramping activity in both regions, with ramping resuming from post-inhibition levels, shifting lick timing beyond the inhibition duration. Thus, inhibiting the frontal cortex and striatum effectively paused and rewound the timer, respectively. These findings suggest the striatum is a part of the network that temporally integrates input from the frontal cortex and generates ramping activity that regulates motor timing.

    Zidan Yang

    Zidan is a PhD candidate at Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience, Dr. Hidehiko Inagaki’s lab. She is keen on combining large-scale neuronal recording, transient perturbations, and computational analysis to understand flexible behaviors. Outside the lab, Zidan enjoy diving, art, and music.

Sunday, October 6th @ 2:30PM | Product Theater #2

Unlocking super-resolution in neuroscience across scales with the new ZEISS Lattice SIM Family

Today’s research problems require a balance of sample size, imaging speed, and super-resolution capabilities. Discover how the new ZEISS Lattice SIM Family acquires entire brain sections at blistering speeds with SIM Apotome mode, captures dynamic events of subcellular structures with Lattice SIM, and resolves the molecular details of neurons with effortless super resolution across scales. Join us to see how ZEISS Lattice SIM Family can transform your neuroscience research.

Live Microscopy Workflows at SfN 2024

Connect directly to the ZEISS Microscopy Customer Center from the ZEISS booth.

This year at SfN we are providing a wide range of workflow options for you to choose from. We also have on-demand demos available, but it is recommended you register ahead of time to ensure you don't miss out on the product you want to see. Find your workflow of interest and follow the link below to reserve a timeslot.

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