Axiocam Family – Camera Technology from ZEISS

Axiocam Family

Microscope Cameras from ZEISS

Your Interactive Guide to the ZEISS Axiocam Family:

In contrast to digital cameras for photography or industrial inspection, many aspects of the microscope cameras are optimized to meet specific requirements of applications in science, research and documentation. As each application has very specific requirements, there is a wide range of different digital camera models to choose from. Different pixel sizes, for example, regulate camera sensitivity and spatial resolution. Lower pixel count enables higher frame rates and larger sensors offer better coverage of the field of view.

For maximum image quality, some Axiocam cameras feature low-noise electronic designs with cooled image sensors.

Our color cameras excel through the best color rendition with a very high range of resolvable intensity levels. Monochrome cameras are the best choice for imaging of fluorescent samples at low light intensities with an extended sensitivity spectrum.

For easy documentation, some digital cameras can record images either completely without a computer, or through a connected PC, laptop or iPad running the ZEISS Labscope software. All our microscope cameras are fully supported in our ZEN software environment, offering fast live image display and easy-to-use user interface.

New Axiocam Models

Axiocam 8 Family

Axiocam 8 Family

What would a microscope be without the ability to capture the amazing details it reveals? ZEISS offers a wealth of microscope cameras as diverse as your imaging and documentation tasks. And because development never stops, we have once again updated and expanded the ZEISS Axiocam portfolio to better support your most demanding applications.


    • ZEISS Microscopes for Cytopathology (세포병리학) (Korean Version)

      Detect Diseases on the Cellular Level

      4 MB

Visit the ZEISS Download Center for available translations and further manuals.

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