ZEISS Axiocam 212 color
Your Clever 12 Megapixel Microscope Camera for Smart Digital Documentation
ZEISS Axiocam 212 color is your smart 12 megapixel color microscope camera suitable for education, documentation and routine applications. This CMOS camera delivers crisp, detail rich live images with high color fidelity at full 4k resolution in up to outstanding 30 fps.
Choose Between Modes of Operation
- Stand-alone mode: you don’t need a PC to acquire microscope images. The camera automatically adjusts brightness and white balance and offers live image enhancement functions like sharpening, denoising and HDR.
- Alternatively, connect the CMOS camera via USB, Ethernet or wirelessly via Wi-Fi dongle to a computer and the imaging software Labscope or ZEN. Since you can connect multiple cameras to the network, Axiocam 212 color is the ideal solution for digital classroom applications and for connected laboratories, too.
ZEISS Axiocam 212 color is Recommended for
- Documentation
- Education/Teaching
- Routine tasks
- Materials research
- Quality assurance/Quality control
- Fast high resolution live image for co-observation
Caption: Retina in brightfield, mouse embryo. Azan staining
Relative spectral sensitivity of
ZEISS Axiocam 212 color
- Full 4K resolution in up to outstanding 30 fps
- Live image enhancement functions like sharpening, denoising and HDR
- Use in stand-alone mode, review and save all images on USB flash drive or use the imaging software Labscope or ZEN
- Easy and effortless digital documentation – especially suitable for education, digital classroom and routine documentation in life sciences
- Connections via USB, Ethernet, Wi-fi and HDMI
- Wi-Fi compatible – use Labscope imaging software to control your camera wirelessly
- Stand-alone operation with camera control by intuitive on-screen display (OSD) via mouse and keyboard without a PC