Choanoflagellate rosette colony. Image courtesy of Kayley Hake. King Lab. University of California, Berkeley.
Light microscopes for scientific research and routine

Laser Scanning Microscopes

Sensitive, Spectral Confocal Imaging and Topography

Confocal laser scanning microscopes use a focused laser beam to scan samples point by point. The ability of confocal microscopy to eliminate out-of-focus light by employing a pinhole aperture results in excellent optical sections with high contrast and enables the high-resolution reconstruction of three-dimensional structures. In the life sciences, confocal microscopes are used to visualize structures within cells and tissues, study dynamic biological processes, and analyze multi-fluorescent samples. In materials science, confocal microscopy is used to examine surface topography, analyze material composition, and investigate the microstructure of materials with high resolution. ZEISS confocal laser scanning microscopes excel with super-resolution imaging down to 90 nm, advanced 4D imaging capabilities, and an unmatched spectral versatility.

ZEISS LSM for Life Sciences

Shaping High-End Imaging for Your Research

  • LSM Airyscan

    Sensitive High-Speed Super-Resolution Imaging and Molecular Characterization

    Synaptonemal complex with clearly resolved tripartite structure. Courtesy of Suixing Fan, University of Science and Technology of China

    LSM Airyscan provides a unique collection of sensitive high-speed super-resolution imaging as well as characterization of molecular behavior from the cellular to organismal level.

    • Enhanced structural information effortlessly added to your experiment
    • Simultaneous improvement of spatial and temporal resolution
    • Easy access to underlying molecular dynamics in living samples
  • LSM Lightfield 4D

    Instant Volumetric High-Speed Imaging of Living Organisms

    Instant volumetric imaging of a beating embryonic zebrafish heart. Courtesy of Stone Elworthy and Emily Noël, School of Biosciences, University of Sheffield, UK

    LSM Lightfield 4D expands your LSM with the ability to capture complete volumes instantly with a single snap, to track dynamic processes at high speed and over long periods of time.

    • High-speed physiological and neuronal processes captured in 3D
    • Gentle observation of entire organisms over extended periods of time
    • Accelerated collection of information on large samples with multiple labels
  • LSM Spectral Multiplex

    Multi-Fluorescence Imaging Along the Entire Wavelength Range

    Advanced spectral multiplexing of cell walls of budding yeast cells. Sample courtesy of Michal Skruzny, ZEISS Microscopy GmbH

    LSM Spectral Multiplex excels in the spectral separation of fluorescent labels. Optimize your advanced spectral multiplexing experiments with numerous protein markers and clear separation of fluorescence signals.

    • Spectral information from 380 to 900 nm taken in a single scan
    • Fluorescent signals reliably separated
    • Increased productivity through streamlined multi-faceted experiments

ZEISS LSM for Materials

Confocal Microscopy for Materials Research

  • LSM for Materials

    Versatile Confocal Microscope for Advanced Imaging and Surface Topography

    Failure analysis on mobile phone, texture image, overlay, color-coded height map (from left to right).​

    LSM for Materials combines the precision of traditional widefield microscopy with advanced imaging technologies, high-resolving laser scanning confocal, and powerful interferometric techniques. Whether you are working in materials science, biomaterials or electronics, this instrument offers unparalleled versatility and performance.

    • Combine light microscopical and confocal imaging
    • Investigate your sample efficiently
    • Expand your imaging range

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