Your Compact Confocal Microscope for Innovative Imaging and Smart Analysis
ZEISS LSM 910 combines high-quality confocal imaging with innovative possibilities for your next research endeavors. Conduct multi-color, live experiments with spectral precision. Gain more information with gentle super-resolution imaging or study the dynamics of life in 3D at impressively high speed. AI assistance ensures quick, reproducible results, guiding your journey to scientific discovery.
Understanding the Fundamentals of Life
Your ZEISS LSM 910 can be configured in many different ways depending on your imaging requirements, from a pure confocal system to an imaging platform that integrates all available modalities. If you want to utilize specific strengths for your most demanding applications, we recommend choosing one of the following configurations – or combine them to your needs.
Your Compact Confocal Microscope for Innovative Imaging and Smart Analysis
Focus On the Success of Your Experiments
High-Quality Confocal Imaging by Design
To give you exceptional imaging quality and experimental flexibility, the confocal microscope ZEISS LSM 910 combines leading technology with smart design. Its efficient beam path ensures superb spectral flexibility for gentle imaging at the best signal-to-noise ratios. Choose your desired spectral bandwidth providing nanometer precision to enable customized complex experiments and swift spectral unmixing workflows. Combine conventional confocal microscopy with efficient super-resolution imaging and high-speed volume acquisition, to focus your imaging efforts in the direction that will yield answers to your scientific questions.

The essence of confocal imaging
High-resolution optical sectioning of large samples
Human distal lung organoid showing club cells and ciliated cells, everted for 10 days.
Courtesy of Prof. C. Kuo, Department of Medicine, Hematology Division, Stanford University, USA

Advanced spectral imaging
In-depth understanding of spatial biology
4-color brain slice sample acquired by multi-color scan and processed with LSM Plus. Channels are spectrally separated by Channel Unmixing: DAPI, Map2-A488, Parvalbumin-A568, Iba-1-A647
LSM Plus
Improving the confocal experience
LSM Plus improves any confocal experiment with ease, independent of detection mode or emission range. Its linear Wiener filter deconvolution needs next to no manual interaction while still ensuring a reliable quantitative result. The system’s underlying optical property information such as objective lens, refractive index, and emission range is used to automatically adapt processing parameters for best results.
RPE1 cells transfected with H2B-GFP plasmid. Maximum intensity projection of 117 Z-planes. Comparison of without and with LSM Plus.
Courtesy of Tingsheng, Mitosis Lab, Singapore
Focus On Innovation
Everything at Hand to Advance Your Research
Laser scanning microscopes have long been extremely successful for one reason: they offer reliable confocal imaging and integrate innovative technologies time and time again. You will hardly find a system that combines the essence of confocal imaging with innovative possibilities in a more advantageous way than ZEISS LSM 910. Various imaging modes let you integrate information from molecules to large volumes within a single experimental session. For example, Airyscan gathers more light and spatial information than conventional detectors, which can be utilized for gentle super-resolution, improved productivity, or even the measurement of molecular dynamics. Additionally, add Lightfield 4D to track high-speed dynamics or follow processes over time in large samples with up to 80 volumes per second without any time delay.
Lightfield 4D
Capturing highly mobile intracellular structures with high-speed volume imaging
To truly capture the essence of biological processes, imaging must be done in 4D, as both volume and time are essential for investigating living systems. Lightfield 4D offers a unique solution by imaging an entire volume at an exact point in time, without any time delay.
Transgenic, 3-day old Arabidopsis thaliana hypocotyl (stem) tagged with a mobile photoreceptor-regulated protein labelled in GFP. Video shows 5 minutes of 50 ms exposures taken every 200 ms, acquired upon initial blue-light stimulation.
Courtesy of Hannah Walters, Cellular Analysis Facility, MVLS-Shared Research Facilities, University of Glasgow. Data acquired at the Cellular Analysis Facility, University of Glasgow, UK.

Gentle super-resolution imaging of the smallest structures
Instead of light passing through a pinhole to reach a single detector, Airyscan consists of 32 detector elements that act as very small pinholes, taking a pinhole-plane image at every scanned position. By combining 32 such small pinhole-like detectors into a large area detector, Airyscan allows more light to be collected and higher frequency information of a structure to be captured.
Cos-7 cells labelled with DAPI (nuclei, white), Anti-TOM 20 (Alexa 488, blue), Anti-Tubulin (Alexa 555, orange), and Actin-SiR (Actin, magenta).

Dynamics Profiler
Easy access to underlying molecular dynamics in living samples
ZEISS Dynamics Profiler uncovers molecular concentration, diffusion, and flow dynamics of fluorescent proteins in your living samples in a single, easy measurement.
Live U-2 OS cells were subjected to Dynamics Profiler measurements to determine dynamic changes at the border of nucleoli.
Samples kindly provided by P. Hemmerich and T. Ulbricht (Core Facility Imaging, Leibniz Institute on Aging, Jena, Germany).
Focus On Usability
A Shorter Path to Relevant Findings
Collecting scientifically relevant data requires a perfect interplay of various components. ZEISS LSM 910 comes with many helpers to keep training times short, support purposeful imaging, and gain reproducible results even from complex experiments. Quickly identify your sample holder and promising regions of interest with the support of AI. Use smart setup features to apply optimal settings across all imaging modalities. Build your own processing pipelines and keep on top of all experimental elements, both during imaging and later when sharing the whole story with collaborators. Processing, analysis, and visualization options are all easily accessible with a few clicks.

Microscopy Copilot
Interactively discover new approaches for your experiments
The Microscopy Copilot, your personal AI assistant, helps you to interactively discover new possibilities for your imaging experiments. Ask questions when they are relevant to your current work. Reduce training time by getting new information straight away. Constantly evolve your research and exploit the potential of your specific LSM system configuration.
Workflow efficiency
Different modalities seamlessly combined
Neurons and astrocyte in thick brain sections. Different imaging modalities and data processing combined in one project using the Connect toolkit: Widefield overview for ROI definition; fast volume acquisition with ZEISS Lightfield 4D; sensitive super-resolution imaging with ZEISS Airyscan in Multiplex mode; Airyscan jDCV processing; 3D visualization with ZEISS arivis Pro.
Sample courtesy of Luisa Cortes, Microscopy Imaging Center of Coimbra, CNC, University of Coimbra, Portugal
ZEISS arivis Pro
From simple 3D visualization to advanced segmentation, tracking, and data analysis
Flow of GFP-labelled hemocytes (insect blood cells) in the hemolymph of Drosophila melanogaster white pre-pupae. ZEISS Lightfield 4D in combination with ZEISS arivis Pro offers the unique opportunity to image and analyze the blood flow under physiological in vivo conditions. Lightfield 4D with its unparalleled speed of 80 volumes per second allows to image a large volume fast enough to follow this process. The 3D algorithms of arivis Pro then allow to segment and track the blood cells throughout a timelapse.
Sample courtesy of Iwan Robert Evans, University of Sheffield, UK. Data acquired at Wolfson Light Microscopy Facility in the School of Biosciences at the University of Sheffield.
Technology Insights
Advanced light preservation, sensitivity, and spectral flexibility

ZEISS LSM 910 beam path
The premium components and design of the LSM 910 beam path, along with its high-bandwidth electronics, guarantee optimal light preservation and sensitivity, which provide the foundation for innovative enhancements and enable the visualization of a wide dynamic range of signals.
Typical spectral quantum efficiency (QE) of multi-alkali (MA-) PMT and GaAsP-PMT detectors.
MA-PMTs (Multi-Alkaline Photomultiplier Tube) or high-sensitive GaAsP (Gallium Arsenide Phosphide) detectors are calibrated to optimally perform in all multi-color and spectral experiments. For truly gentle and quantifiable imaging the directly modulated lasers can be controlled in a linear manner down well below 1% of their total power capacity.