ZEISS Axio Imager 2
Your Upright Microscope Platform for Life Science Research
Combine the best for life science research in a single upright platform. Whether you are simply observing and recording or performing highly complex imaging experiments: It's easy to customize system components to meet the needs of your applications.

Excellent Optical Performance
For Your Most Demanding Applications
The optical system of Axio Imager 2 offers you remarkable performance with highest image contrast, perfect uniformity and unsurpassed resolution in any contrast technique. Benefit from significantly better resolution and higher contrast even at low magnifications and long working distances. Enjoy outstanding results even with extremely weak signals.
Caption: Pilidium larvae of the Nemertean ribbon worm. Courtesy of Joseph Campanale, Aracely Lutes, and Stephanie Majkut, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

Configuration Flexibility
To Expand Your Research Possibilities
Choose your system from six different stand versions and combine it with high-end fluorescence imaging systems such as Apotome 3 or the LSM 9 laser scanning microscopes. With its freely accessible infinite space, Axio Imager 2 allows you to add additional components such as light sources and detectors as needed. You can easily adapt the system components to the requirements of your applications.

Smart Motorization
For Highest Productivity and Ease of Use
The motorized 10-position reflector turret synchronized with the fast Colibri LED light source exhibits a wide selection of excitation wavelengths for brilliant results without pixel shift. The intelligent, motorized aperture and luminous field diaphragm automatically control contrast and illumination in both the reflected and transmitted light beam path, ensuring reproducible and convenient operation.