ZEISS Axio Observer for Life Science Research
Inverted Microscope Platform with AI Assisted Experiment Startup
In life sciences research you come up against new challenges every day. That’s why you want a flexible microscope system that can be tailored to your needs. ZEISS Axio Observer is your inverse platform for demanding multimodal imaging of living and fixed specimens. Combine Axio Observer with a wealth of technologies and refine it to support your experiments precisely.

Flexibility for Your Research
Life sciences research is a dynamic environment with ever-changing requirements. Axio Observer offers interfaces for technologies ranging from widefield transmitted light to convenient 3D sectioning and sensitive super-resolution imaging. Choose the optimal incubation equipment and enjoy easy sample access for precise micromanipulation. A great variety of integrated options makes your Axio Observer versatile and future proof.

Guidance for Your Workflows
Reduce the time to image from minutes to just seconds. You will be amazed how easy imaging becomes when the AI Sample Finder automatically detects the sample carrier, adjusts the focus, and finds your sample region. Wizards guide you through the experimental setup for easy and intuitive selection of the imaging modalities for your applications. Acquired images can be easily combined with electron microscopy data and other modalities.

Efficiency for Your Experiments
Expect a remarkable increase in efficiency with the Axio Observer automation functions. Fast switchable light sources and filters give you highest spectral flexibility and speed. Select the ideal camera to always get the image quality and speed your applications require. Whether keeping your sample in focus for long-term imaging or adapting your objective to your sample, it's all automatic with this highly organized system.
AI Sample Finder
Reduce your time to experiment from minutes to just seconds.
Automated Sample Identification for Efficient Imaging
Microscopes are becoming increasingly automated. However, sample placement, focus adjustment and identification of the relevant areas on the sample carrier still require manual steps. AI Sample Finder automates this sequence, eliminating time-consuming manual adjustments and reducing the time to image from minutes to just seconds.
Apotome 3
Create brilliant optical sections of your fluorescent samples.
Optical Sectioning Using Structured Illumination
With structured illumination, removal of out-of-focus light becomes simple and efficient. ZEISS Apotome 3 calculates your optical section from a number of images acquired with different grid positions. Get high-contrast images, even from thicker specimens, while your system remains just as easy to operate as always.
Autoimmersion Module
Automated, hands-free water immersion for reliable data acquisition from start to finish

Minimize Your Risk. Improve Your Efficiency.
Immersion media between the sample and the objective is required for high-resolution imaging. Manual addition of immersion media risks loss of data points or even microscope damage from user error; it is also tedious and inefficient. The Autoimmersion Module for ZEISS Axio Observer 7 widefield and confocal systems is your automated, easy-to-use solution for maintaining immersion media for water immersion objectives.

ZEISS Axio Observer at Work