ZEISS Axio Imager section

ZEISS Axio Imager section

High-Resolution 3D Visualization & Evaluation​

The preconfigured microscope bundle ZEISS Axio Imager section is designed to provide streamlined workflows for cost-effective 3D imaging from data collection to evaluation. Bring your 3D experiments in cell and developmental biology to the next level.

  • 3D cell culture models (organoids, spheroids)​
  • Small model organisms (yeast, C. elegans, zebrafish)
  • Cell monolayers
  • Tissue sections

Bundle Components

  • Microscope

    • Axio Imager 2 (upright widefield microscope stand)​
    • Scanning stage 130 × 100​
    • Motorized condenser NA 0.9
    • Apotome 3

    Light source / camera

    • Colibri 7​
    • Filter sets 38, 43, 50, 64, 70, 96, 115​
    • Axiocam 820 mono


    • EC Plan-Neofluar 5× / 0.16​
    • Plan-Apochromat 10× / 0.45​
    • Plan-Apochromat 20× / 0.8​
    • Plan-Apochromat 63× / 1.4 Oil


    • Z6 Workstation with 128 GB RAM and nVidia Quadro RTX4000 16 GB
  • Motorized Acquisition​

    • Acquire images and control motorized components in multi-dimensional experiments.

    2D Toolkit

    • Create flexible automatic measurement programs for the analysis of your 2D images.
ZEISS Axio Imager scan

Looking for an inverted microscope configuration?​

This widefield bundle for high-resolution 3D visualization and evaluation can also be configured based on the inverted microscope ZEISS Axio Observer 7.


    • ZEISS Microscope Bundle for Optical Sectioning

      Creating crisp sections of thick samples with ease

      File size: 808 KB

Visit the ZEISS Download Center for available translations and further manuals.

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