ZEISS Primovert

ZEISS Primovert

Examine and Assess your Living Cells Quickly and Easily

Place ZEISS Primovert right inside your Laminar Flow Box. Examine unstained cells in phase contrast and GFP-labeled cells in fluorescence contrast quickly and efficiently.

The inverted microscope is especially perfect for cancer and genetic research.

With Primovert HDcam and the imaging App Labscope you observe and discuss cells independently from the sterile workplace together with your colleagues.

  • Switch between phase and fluorescence contrast
  • Examine unstained as well as GFP-labeled cells
  • Keep cells in a sterile environment even when observing

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60 days to try your Microscope out

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  • Request a Risk-Free 60 Day Product Trial
  • Return within 60 days or Make it Yours

Combine Efficiency and Optical Performance

  • Your Compact Inverted Routine Microscope for Cell Culture

Primovert HDcam Labscope


  • Switch from phase contrast to fluorescence contrast to assess both undyed and GFP-labeled cells.
  • The inverted microscope fits directly in your Laminar Flow Box – you work directly in the sterile environment.
  • Your Primovert is immediately ready for use. Reactivate the microscope in stand-by mode by pushing the button at the table.
  • Primovert switches in walk-away mode automatically after 15 minutes off. This saves energy and increases the life of the light source.
  • Primovert HDcam integrates a camera. Use your iPad and the free imaging App Labscope and discuss the monitor image together in the team. Snap microscope images, annotate and create reports, and share them easily wirelessly with other.
Primovert HDcam

Primovert HDcam

Primovert HDcam is your solution for image acquisition and documentation. The camera is already integrated into the stand – no need for further adjustments and camera settings. In combination with your iPad and the Imaging App Labscope you share, discuss and explain your observations with colleagues – independent from the location of your microscope. Profit from a fast live display – also on multiple iPads over WiFi. Acquire images and videos, make annotations and documentations – and easily share these data.

Or use Primovert HDcam without iPad: you control your camera and acquisition settings directly at the stand. Various interfaces of the integrated camera let you easily transfer data directly to your PC with imaging software ZEN lite. Or use the interfaces to connect a monitor or projector.

Primovert iLED fluorescence switch

Primovert iLED

Primovert iLED is perfectly suited to your daily work with cell cultures. You examine unstained cells in phase contrast as well as GFP-labeled cells in fluorescence contrast quickly and efficiently by just switching the contrasting technique directly at the stand.

ZEISS Primovert 5 at Work

  • HeLa cells, phase contrast
  • U20S cells, GFP stained, fluorescence contrast
  • Micrasterias radiata (algae), brightfield contrast
  • HeLa cells, phase contrast

    HeLa cells, phase contrast

  • U20S cells, GFP stained, fluorescence contrast

    U20S cells, GFP stained, fluorescence contrast

  • Micrasterias radiata (algae), brightfield contrast

    Micrasterias radiata (algae), brightfield contrast


Buy your predefined microscope set now!

Primovert is your compact inverted microscope to examine and evaluate living cells. It enables fast, efficient investigations of for example of stained cells in brightfield, unstained cells in phase contrast and GFP-labeled cells in fluorescence contrast. Primovert with its adjustable ergotube lets you work in comfort, whether standing or in a seated position.


    • ZEISS Primovert

      Examine and Evaluate Living Cells – Fast and Efficiently

      File size: 6 MB
    • ZEISS Primovert

      Examine and Assess your Living Cells – Quickly and Easily.

      File size: 1 MB
    • Your Microscopes for Laboratory and Teaching

      Your microscopes for increased efficiency in the lab and for more fun in teaching and working.

      File size: 10 MB
    • ZEISS Primovert (Italian Version)

      Esaminare e valutare le cellule vive in modo rapido ed efficiente

      File size: 5 MB
    • ZEISS Primovert (Korean Version)

      Examine and Evaluate Living Cells – Fast and Efficiently

      File size: 6 MB
    • ZEISS Primovert (Portuguese Version)

      Investigar e avaliar células vivas – com rapidez e eiciência

      File size: 6 MB
    • ZEISS Primovert (Turkish Version)

      Canlı Hücreleri Hızlı ve Etkili Şekilde İnceleyip Değerlendirin

      File size: 5 MB
    • ZEISS Primovert (Vietnamese Version)

      Soi và đánh giá các mẫu tế bào sống – Nhanh chóng và hiệu quả

      File size: 5 MB

Visit the ZEISS Download Center for available translations and further manuals.

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