Software for Light Microscopy - Find the Right Solution for Your Application

Software for Light Microscopy

Find the Right Solution for Your Application

ZEISS Labscope - Simple. Imaging. App.

ZEISS Labscope

Simple. Imaging. App.

With ZEISS Labscope you decide for an easy-to-use imaging app. Be it for your routine laboratory, digital classroom at university or school or even your hobby - you snap images, record videos and measure your microscopic samples with a push of a button. And you’re free to use it with your Windows PC, tablet or mobile phone.

Decide for Labscope and experience:

  • Connected microscopes
  • Fast results
  • Fun to work with

That’s simply ZEISS Labscope.

arivis Vision4D - Your Powerful Scientific Imaging Software

ZEISS arivis Pro

Your End-to-End Scientific Image Analysis Software

ZEISS arivis Pro is your modular image analysis software for multi-channel 2D, 3D and 4D images of almost unlimited size. It is independent of local system resources for high scalability. Using the flexible analysis pipeline, you can start with predefined workflows for common use cases. For more complex analysis you can combine different operators for denoising, segmentation, filtering, and other analysis tasks. Handle your datasets without constraints and get your results in next to no time!

ZEISS arivis Cloud

Your Cloud Platform to Train Customized Segmentation Models

ZEISS arivis Cloud is a secure cloud platform that enables researchers to easily train customized deep learning models for AI-powered image analysis, all without the need for coding. This platform allows users to collaborate with their colleagues to train AI models for image segmentation. Whether it involves the segmentation of large regions like tissue sections or individual objects like cells and nuclei, ZEISS arivis Cloud provides a versatile solution for researchers.

ZEISS Confomap - Your Solution for In-Depth Surface Understanding

ZEISS Confomap

Your Solution for In-Depth Surface Understanding

Confomap Surface Imaging and Analysis Software works for all ZEISS light microscopes (digital, widefield or confocal). Confomap includes numerous analytical tools to characterize images, 2D profiles and 3D topographies (including surface geometries and roughness) and provides detailed surface metrology reports in accordance with latest international standards and methods.
Amongst others the modular setup allows you to visualize and analyze.

ZEISS Correlative Cryo Workflow

ZEISS Correlative Cryo Workflow

Your Solution for TEM Lamella Preparation and Volume Imaging

ZEISS Correlative Cryo Workflow connects widefield, laser scanning, and focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy in a seamless and easy-to-use procedure. The solution provides hardware and software optimized for the needs of correlative cryogenic workflows, from localization of fluorescent macromolecules to high-contrast volume imaging and on-grid lamella thinning for cryo electron tomography.

ZEN Correlative Array Tomography

ZEN Correlative Array Tomography

3D Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy For Serial Sections

With Array Tomography, you use serial sections to reconstruct your sample volume. You cut resin-embedded tissue samples with an ultramicrotome into consecutive sections and image them. After automated acquisition in the light microscope, you transfer the sample to your electron microscope where you find the same software tools. Image hundreds of sections across length scales automatically and combine them into one single correlative volume dataset.

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