ZEISS Mineralogic - Identify Phases and Analyze Texture in 2D and 3D

ZEISS Mineralogic

Identify Phases and Analyze Texture in 2D and 3D

  • Automated Quantitative Mineralogy
  • Mineralogic 2D
  • Mineralogic 3D
CHEMera mapping using ZEISS SEM with Mineralogic 2D combines geochemical variation with phase identification on Garnet-kyanite gneiss metamorphic rock from Glenelg, Scotland
CHEMera mapping using ZEISS SEM with Mineralogic 2D

CHEMera mapping using ZEISS SEM with Mineralogic 2D combines geochemical variation with phase identification on Garnet-kyanite gneiss metamorphic rock from Glenelg, Scotland

ZEISS Mineralogic

Automated Quantitative Mineralogy

Increasing demand on resources has led to the evaluation of more complex, lower return, ores. Maximizing recovery requires improvements in efficiency that involve detailed knowledge of the ore body, and of the mineralogy that influences behavior during the beneficiation process.

Automation has the potential to liberate individuals and organizations from arduous, time-consuming tasks, freeing them to be more strategic and productive.

ZEISS Mineralogic 2D and 3D provide automated quantitative mineral analysis by bringing together cutting-edge microscopy with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the X-ray microscope (XRM), industry leading energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and AI-based deep learning algorithms to enhance your analytical capability and increase productivity.

ZEISS Mineralogic solutions are ideal for exacting geological interrogation of your samples, from in-depth petrological investigations to high throughput mineral liberation workflows to quantitative geochemistry.

Caption: CHEMera mapping using ZEISS SEM with Mineralogic 2D combines geochemical variation with phase identification on Garnet-kyanite gneiss metamorphic rock from Glenelg, Scotland

Mineralogic 2D


Mineralogic 2D provides SEM-based automated quantitative mineralogy (AQM) via a combination of high-resolution SEM imaging and EDS. Mineralogic is a versatile system designed for analytical precision and flexibility. Any imaging detector (SE, BSD, CL, etc.) may be used on its own, or in combination, to define your area to be analyzed before performing a quantitative chemical analysis to automatically classify mineral phases, based on their chemical composition, and provide detailed outputs on morphology, chemistry, liberation, and textural parameters.

Use Mineralogic 2D for:​

  • Quantitative chemical analysis and classification
  • Morphochemical and lithological classification
  • Geochemical investigation
  • Ore body characterization
  • Mining specific outputs
  • Calcium heatmap highlights zoned garnet from Glenelg, Scotland
  • Zoned garnet from Loch Lomond, Scotland
  • Calcium heatmap highlights zoned garnet from Glenelg, Scotland
    Calcium heatmap highlights zoned garnet from Glenelg, Scotland

    Calcium heatmap highlights zoned garnet from Glenelg, Scotland. The intuitive periodic table user interface allows simple and dynamic visualization of geochemical data.

    Calcium heatmap highlights zoned garnet from Glenelg, Scotland. The intuitive periodic table user interface allows simple and dynamic visualization of geochemical data.

  • Zoned garnet from Loch Lomond, Scotland
    Zoned garnet from Loch Lomond, Scotland

    Zoned garnet from Loch Lomond, Scotland. CHEMera mapping combines geochemical variation with phase identification of the evolving inclusion assemblage, charting the geological history.

    Zoned garnet from Loch Lomond, Scotland. CHEMera mapping combines geochemical variation with phase identification of the evolving inclusion assemblage, charting the geological history.

Mineralogic 2D


  • Make fact-based operational decisions with detailed mineral and sample chemical and particle information.
  • Automatically categorize your particles, and identify and quantify ore types, with quantitative chemical analysis and classification.
  • Combine chemistry with grain size, shape parameters, grey level, and porosity to achieve in-line morphochemical quantification with immediate results tabulation.
  • Map samples for quantitative chemistry and combine with grain size, shape parameters, grey level, and porosity to achieve in-line morphochemical quantification with immediate results tabulation. Visualize and export geochemical data for flexible downstream workflows.

Mineralogic 3D


Built on the incomparable ZEISS Xradia 3D X-ray microscope and microCT platforms using ZEISS DeepRecon Pro, ZEISS Mineralogic 3D incorporates advanced and flexible machine learning protocols that recognize individual particles even when they are in contact with other particles of the same composition. Particles are then automatically analyzed individually to provide a series of pertinent outputs such as modal mineralogy, volume, porosity, feret dimensional measurements, associations, and liberation.

With  Mineralogic 3D, little to no sample preparation is required, stereological assumptions are eliminated as every grain is viewed in full in three dimensions, and time to actionable data is significantly reduced. Additionally, precious samples, i.e., meteorites and sample-return missions, are preserved due to the non-destructive nature of X-ray. ​

Use  Mineralogic 3D  for:​

  • Mineral classification
  • Modal mineralogy, associations, liberation
  • Ore body characterization
  • Comminution assessment
  • Process control
  • Exposing and classifying pyrite and chalcopyrite within gangue.
  • Revealing mineralogical, morphological, and liberation details of the constituent Mineralogy in comminuted ore
  • Exposing and classifying pyrite and chalcopyrite within gangue.
    Exposing and classifying pyrite and chalcopyrite within gangue.

    Exposing and classifying pyrite and chalcopyrite within gangue.

    Exposing and classifying pyrite and chalcopyrite within gangue.

  • Revealing mineralogical, morphological, and liberation details of the constituent Mineralogy in comminuted ore.

Mineralogic 3D


  • Investigate your sample in its true form, classifying mineralogy and measuring parameters in 3D, gaining an unparalleled ability to understand its composition, mineral relationships, and texture.
  • Enjoy higher analysis throughput with simple sample handling by dispensing with the requirement to mechanically alter your samples in order to expose flat surfaces.
  • Non-destructive imaging allows for analysis of precious samples or correlative workflows.


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    • ZEISS Mineralogic 2D

      Flexible, quantitative automated mineralogy for geoscience research

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    • ZEISS Mineralogic

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    • The building blocks of our solar system

      Studying the Winchcombe meteorite

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    • ZEISS Mineralogic 3D

      Whole-particle Liberation Studies

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