ZEISS Mineralogic
Identify Phases and Analyze Texture in 2D and 3D

CHEMera mapping using ZEISS SEM with Mineralogic 2D combines geochemical variation with phase identification on Garnet-kyanite gneiss metamorphic rock from Glenelg, Scotland
ZEISS Mineralogic
Automated Quantitative Mineralogy
Increasing demand on resources has led to the evaluation of more complex, lower return, ores. Maximizing recovery requires improvements in efficiency that involve detailed knowledge of the ore body, and of the mineralogy that influences behavior during the beneficiation process.
Automation has the potential to liberate individuals and organizations from arduous, time-consuming tasks, freeing them to be more strategic and productive.
ZEISS Mineralogic 2D and 3D provide automated quantitative mineral analysis by bringing together cutting-edge microscopy with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the X-ray microscope (XRM), industry leading energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and AI-based deep learning algorithms to enhance your analytical capability and increase productivity.
ZEISS Mineralogic solutions are ideal for exacting geological interrogation of your samples, from in-depth petrological investigations to high throughput mineral liberation workflows to quantitative geochemistry.
Caption: CHEMera mapping using ZEISS SEM with Mineralogic 2D combines geochemical variation with phase identification on Garnet-kyanite gneiss metamorphic rock from Glenelg, Scotland