Nanoscale and Correlative Analysis
Tailored Solutions for Particle Analysis Configured to Your Requirements
ZEISS systems analyze particles on your filters and let you learn more about the chemical composition of the material. Use an electron microscope and SmartPI to fully automate your analysis of up to 200 000 particles. The correlative particle analyzer system is your optimal solution for connecting light- and electron microscope analyses. It supports ISO 16232 and VDA19.

SmartPI: Automated Particle Analysis
SmartPI gives you the advantage of an automated particle analysis tool for particle sizes in the nanometer range, including EDS analysis of the chemical composition. Even particles situated on the border are counted correctly. You can operate EDS and SEM with one user interface. Using various evaluation methods, offline analysis and exclusion of particles from the measurement or statistics, you’ll be able to set the appropriate level for analysis and create a competent, well-documented report. Upgrade your system to correlative particle analysis (CAPA).
Your SmartPI for automated nanoscale particle analysis includes:
- An electron microscope such as EVO, SIGMA, MERLIN, ParticleSCAN, JetSCAN
- SmartPI software

Correlative Particle Analyzer
Fast Particle Analysis
- Choose a high resolution ZEISS bundle for chemical particle analysis.
- Get your results up to 10 times faster.
- Classify reflecting (i.e. metallic) and non-reflecting particles in size and identify fibers in your light microscope.
- Then relocalize particles in your electron microscope and perform a fully automated EDS analysis.
- Combine results from both light and electron microscopy analyses in a single report.
- Support standards for particle analysis ISO 16232 and VDA19.

Your Correlative Particle Analyzer for Particle Analysis Includes:
- Electron microscope EVO MA 10
- Fully motorized zoom microscope Axio Zoom.V16
- Correlative sample holder
- AxioVision Correlative Particle Analyzer software