Smart Particle Investigator

Energy dispersive X-ray (EDS) classification of particles
Your Automated SEM Particle Analysis and Classification Solution
Detect, Analyze and Classify Particles
Smart Particle Investigator (SmartPI), your advanced particle analysis and classification solution, turns scanning electron microscopes into turnkey solutions for industrial cleanliness or metal and steel applications. SmartPI incorporates all aspects of SEM control, image processing and elemental analysis (EDS) within a single application.
- Control both SEM imaging and EDS analysis with one software program.
- Run automated, unattended particle analyses.
- Generate repeatable data and industry-standard compliant reports.
- Combine SmartPI with ZEISS light microscope particle analysis solutions to configure a correlative workflow.
- Benefit from the global ZEISS service and support for the entire system.
- SmartPI is compliant with ISO 16232 and VDA 19 cleanliness standards.
SmartPI at Work

Recommended SEM Platforms

EVO Scanning Electron Microscope
EVO is the conventional SEM of choice for use in routine materials analysis or industrial quality assurance and failure analysis. With a large motorized 5 axis stage, and easy-to-use SmartSEM software, EVO offers a highly configurable imaging platform for particle analysis applications. EVO is available with variable pressure (VP), enabling the imaging and analysis of non-conductive samples, such as filters, without the necessity to apply a conductive coating, and thus leaving the filter intact for subsequent analysis using e.g. Raman or FTIR.

Sigma Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
Sigma is the SEM of choice for users which require enhanced resolution for particle analysis in the nanometer scale range. Sigma featuring Gemini column technology, provides outstanding imaging and analytical results from a field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). The Gemini optics provides the highest resolution imaging on a platform very well suited for elemental analysis, particularly on magnetic samples.