ZEISS Solutions Lab
Empowering innovation through tailored microscopy software
User Testimonials & Success Stories

Mostowy Lab and ZEISS Solutions Lab
AI-Enhanced Microscopy Workflow Opens New Possibilities in Shigella Infection Research Using Zebrafish
Using the ZEISS arivis platform, an AI-model automatically identifies and captures images of zebrafish larvae using ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 for high-throughput and high-content imaging.

ZEISS & Smith+Nephew
AI automates testing of implant coatings
Smith+Nephew is a London-based medical technology group specializing in bone and tissue reconstruction, wound healing and joint replacement. At the site in Aarau, Switzerland, hip shaft prostheses are coated, among other things. An AI-supported software solution in combination with the ZEISS Axio Imager Z2m light microscope is used for quality inspection. The ZEISS solution delivers the results within a few minutes thanks to automated image segmentation.
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Problems we can help you solve:
- Automation of your imaging process or workflow
- Advanced image analysis and corrections
- Automation of your ROI (region of interest) search
- Tailoring flexible and adaptable workflows for your configuration
- Even, small applications that turn 20 clicks into one
Big problems, little problems. What is your problem? Use the form on this page to tell us more.
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