Transparent high-performance systems for reliable air traffic
Optimizations for passengers and crew
For more safety and entertainment
The composition of the various functionalities is customizable.

ZEISS Advanced Augmented Reality HUD
A major advantage of our technology compared to conventional HUD technologies is the very compact volume. The reduction in installation space consistently contributes to weight reduction. Another innovation lies in the possible use of the entire cockpit pane, including versatile and variable image planes.
The well known "Field of View" becomes an interactive surface through the integration of diverse sensor systems. Thanks to the new "Advanced AR" HUD from ZEISS, it is thus possible to interact directly with the environment. The multiple detection systems help pilots, crew and (semi-)automated assistance systems monitor various tasks inside and outside the aircraft.

Personal microspheres
The creation of, for example, customized, personalized lighting modes and multifunctional infotainment elements on transparent surfaces per seat in each class will guarantee satisfied passengers in the future. Flying becomes a personal experience through individual applications with the multifunctional smart glass from ZEISS.

Window infotainment systems
Transparent surfaces can be used as multifunctional information and entertainment systems with our technology. For example, an aircraft window can adapt the functions of a GPS-based mapping service and display information about the terrain in view. In addition to detection, filter or lighting functionalities can be taken directly from the pane at the seat.
A variety of other possibilities for all transparent surfaces in the aircraft are as of today not only conceivable, but also feasible.