

What does it mean to become an astronaut?

1 January 2012 · 3 min read

About this Show:

The conquest of space is the greatest endeavour mankind has ever undertaken. What does it mean to be part of this endeavour? What does it mean to become an astronaut?
How does an astronaut experience the launch of his rocket? Explore the worlds inside an astronaut's body as well as those of space, manoeuvre through the microscopic regions of the human body and float around the International Space Station. Learn about the dangers that lurk for astronauts in space. Experience how "Chad", our test astronaut, masters these dangers.

Trailer (english)



23 min

Target Group

All age groups upwards of 10


3D animated fulldome video


unidirectional seating, suitable for concentric seating


National Space Centre Creative | 2012


English, Arabic, French (contact for other languages)

Technical Data

30 fps, up to 4k, stereo and non-stereo, 5.1 surround and stereo sound


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