
Expedition Reef

Hope for Reefs in a changing World

12 February 2018 · 5 min read

About this show

Dive into the heart of the Academy’s iconic Philippine coral reef tank as thousands of tropical fish flutter by. Travel the globe to explore coral reefs teeming with life and learn how scientists are racing to develop sustainable solutions to protect these vitally important ecosystems for the future. Along the way, discover how corals live, breathe, and reproduce, supporting a quarter of all marine life on Earth and providing critical benefits to human communities in our ever-changing world.

Trailer (eng)



26 min

Target Group

General public, family audiences, school groups


Educational and inspirational fulldome video from 3D computer animated graphics


Unidirectional seating


California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco | 2015


English, ask for other languages

Technical Data

up to 4k, 30 fps, non-stereo, 5.1 surround sound


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