
From Dream to Discovery

Inside NASA

1 December 2014 · 4 min read

About this Show:

In »From Dream to Discovery: Inside NASA«, experience the excitement of today’s space missions as you journey from NASA’s test facilities all the way to Pluto. Immerse yourself in the adventure and extremes of spacecraft engineering – from the design of missions like the James Webb Space Telescope and New Horizons, to the rigors of testing, launch, and space operations. When humans dare to dream, we create truly amazing things.

Trailer (eng)



30 min

Target Group

All age groups, general public, students


3D computer graphics animated fulldome video with live actions


Unidirectional seating


Charles Hayden Planetarium, Boston | 2014


English, French, Mandarin (contact for other languages)

Technical Data

30 fps, up to 4k, non-stereo, 5.1 surround and stereo sound


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