
Kitz the cat’s – Supermoon Adventure

The great adventure of three cats visiting the Moon

1 June 2021 · 5 min read

About this show

The Earth in the far future, where humanity no longer exists. Cats that survived in the debris left behind by humanity have evolved into intelligent beings. The three cats, Kitz, Tutti, and Pepe, are working as cleaners at NYASA. Today’s mission is cleaning up space junk. But these unpredictable street cats skip their work and fly to the moon! The great adventure of the three cats crisscrossing space on Galaxy Sweeper, the space junk cleaning shuttle!
You can develop an understanding of the danger of space junk and humanity’s moon exploration while you follow the adventure of the cats.




23 min 

Target Group

Children from about 6 years old, families


Fulldome film of 3D computer graphics


Unidirectional seating, suitable for concentric seating


Kwon O Chul | 2021


English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, ask for other languages

Technical Data

Up to 8k, 30 fps, non-stereo, 5.1 surround or stereo sound


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