
Water – A Cosmic Adventure

Where did the water come from?

1 June 2012 · 3 min read

About this Show:

This show celebrates our relationship with water and the cosmos. Join astrophysicist Eva Luna as she explores the turbulent origins of hydrogen and oxygen in the Universe and discover how they combined to the most essential molecules on Earth, H2O. Thanks to realistic 3D animations and breathtaking live footage this story takes you on a journey to the Atacama Desert in Chile, where ESO’s ground-breaking telescopes assist in the search for new planets containing this essential molecule. Where there is water, there can be life.

Trailer (English)



31 min

Target Group

All age groups from about 10 years old


3D animated fulldome show including live footage


Unidirectional seating, suitable for concentric seating


ESO/APLF | 2012


English, German, French (contact for other languages)

Technical Data

30 fps, up to 4k, non-stereo, 5.1 surround


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