3D graphics of a planetarium
Products and solutions

Every planetarium project is unique

Good planning is based on experience

We present here the most important components of a planetarium as well as varying design possibilities. The exact planning is usually done by a planning agency. ZEISS provides support by offering advice, recommendations and a review of the project planning documents to ensure that the correct installation can be carried out. ZEISS will be happy to take over the entire technical configuration.


The star projector

ZEISS star projectors are optical-mechanical instruments consisting of a number of individual projectors and multiple motion axes. These star projectors display the simulated starry sky, including the Milky Way and objects of the solar system, onto the projection dome and simulate astronomical motions. The star projector is always located in the center of the dome room.


The fulldome system

In addition to the star projector, digital projection systems make it possible to present visualizations over the entire dome. With its high-quality VELVET projectors, ZEISS offers perfect dome projection in every respect. It is also possible to meet special requirements with standard video projectors and offer budget-optimized solutions.


The auditorium

The auditorium is also called the theater room. As a rule, it is a cylindrical space spanned by a hemispherical surface, the planetarium dome. The auditorium can be either horizontal or inclined. The number of seats for visitors depends on the size of the dome and the type of seating arrangement. A distinction is made between unidirectional and concentric seating arrangements.


The planetarium dome

The planetarium dome is an independent, self-supporting structure (exception: fabric domes). Typically, a rod network supports the projection surface. The dome is also an optical element of the projection and must therefore meet special requirements. LED domes, to which the imaging panels are attached, are a special feature.

Typical variations of ZEISS planetariums

Example: classic small planetarium
ZEISS Planetariums

The classic planetarium is based on a star projector with equipment for numerous didactic presentations, e.g. a ZEISS SKYMASTER ZKP 4.

The classic small planetarium

Emphasis on astronomical presentations

Education is the most important function of almost all small planetariums. The personal approach, the interaction with the audience, the immediate reaction to questions, all of these are the characteristics of such planetariums. Here the star projector (e.g., ZEISS SKYMASTER ZKP 4) plays the central role. The technology is a means to an end: a brilliant starry sky guarantees that astronomical knowledge is transferred in an emotional and inspirational way. Fulldome technology also plays an increasingly important role in classic planetariums.

Example: Hybrid Planetarium
ZEISS Planetariums

Typical small planetarium up to 12 metres in diameter with an ASTERION VELVET hybrid system. Concentric seating arrangement for astronomical presentations.

The hybrid planetarium

Classic starry sky and fulldome visualization

For the combination of astronomical content with fulldome presentations, we recommend a hybrid system consisting of a ZEISS star projector and VELVET LED video projectors (True Black Hybrid Planetarium).

Example: Large planetarium
ZEISS Planetariums

Typical large planetarium with high-resolution fulldome projection. Concentric or unidirectional seating arrangements.

The multimedia theater

A wide range of programs

Large planetariums aim for great flexibility with respect to their programming possibilities. Events go beyond astronomical related topics only. A high quality fulldome system is the most important component. Science, culture and entertainment enrich the program spectrum. ZEISS also offers professional solutions for stereo projection.


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