
Natural Selection

Darwin's mystery of mysteries.

1 June 2010 · 5 min read

About this show

Join the young Charles Darwin on an adventurous voyage of exploration circumnavigating the World with the HMS Beagle.

In Victorian times many physical phenomena were already discovered and described by natural laws, but life's most eloquent mechanism was still unknown: How could new species arise to replace those lost in extinction?

It was time for someone to stand up and come forth with a Naturalist explanation of this mystery of mysteries. Witness the thrill of scientific discovery by seeing the World through Darwin's eyes, make observations of the most beautiful natural scenery and let the pieces of the scientific puzzle slowly but surely fall into place. Allow Darwin himself to reveal this simple and most beautiful mechanism that explains the Evolution of all Life on Earth: Natural Selection, the single most wonderful idea anyone has ever had.





41 min

Target Group

All age groups, families


Fulldome show of 3D computer animated graphics


Unidirectional seating, suitable for concentric seating


Mirage3D | 2010


English, German, Dutch, Polish, ask for other languages

Technical Data

30 fps, up to 4k, non-stereo, 5.1 surround


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